Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: Prepare for some tears. Not for your relationship with Wanda though.

Wanda's POV:
Our holiday away was beautiful it was more perfect than I ever could have imagined. Y/N poured out her soul to me. Just when I thought I knew everything about her she pulls out a guitar and sings. We were on our way home and neither of us wanted the holiday to end. It was so nice to be drama free and a normal couple. Y/N took me to my first gay club. It was quite the experience. There was something about LGBT+ people they were so full of life and colourful. A couple of girls kept hitting on Y/N I was angry so I kissed her passionately before leaving a massive love bite on her neck. They soon left us alone.

When we landed we were sad. It was like saying goodbye to normality. We were back to our crazy ass lives. As soon as the doors open Peter tore into the jet.
"Y/N come quick it's Bucky," she sped past Peter heading off to find Bucky.
"What happened Peter?" I ask.
"It's Steve... he's gone." All I can feel is a dull ache. Steve was always good to me he stuck by me looking out for me. We all knew this day would come but this wasn't the news I expected to come back to. I put my arm round Peter as we walked inside to find Y/N and Bucky. We walk into the training room where Y/N is just holding Bucky as he fell apart. Sam is crying into Monica's shoulder. The sadness in the room was palpable. Everybody loved Steve. We all walked over to Bucky putting our hands on his shoulders. He was the strong one out of all of us. I owed him everything. To watch him fall apart like this was heartbreaking. We must have been stood like that for an hour.

"Thank you Y/N. I don't even know what to do with myself. Do you think they'll let me be a pallbearer?" he asks.
"Of course they will. It's what he would've wanted," Peter says causing a slight smile from Bucky. We help him to his feet and into the kitchen. Y/N sits with him making sure he's drinking lots of water and eats.
"You know Y/L/N. He would've liked you. You stand up for the little guy just like he did," Bucky mutters holding back the tears.
"Will you tell me about him?" She asks.
"You know when we were young just before I was drafted he used to pick a fight with the biggest and meanest dudes and get the crap beat out of him until I came along and the guys would run. He was an underdog. You couldn't help but route for him. He was the best of us. He never really looked at women until he met Peggy. When he went back with the stones part of me knew he wouldn't come back. He deserved that happy ending. It hurt though that I wouldn't get to know him again. I think he would've liked this Bucky," he explains breaking down at the end.
"I know he would've liked this Bucky," Sam says patting him on the back.
"Cap was the one who brought me into this world and for that I will never be able to repay him. He was a right pain when we met. I used to run laps with him, yet he'd run absolute circles around me every time he lapped me he said 'on your left'. I think for a while he annoyed the hell out of me. Then he brought me in to be an Avenger it was such an honour. When we came back from Thanos I just had to use 'on your left' it was momentous," he said making us all smile.

A week later it was the funeral. Bucky and Sam were pallbearers. It was a hard day for us all especially Bucky. He lost his friend of over 100 years. What could any of us do or say to help him through that? Y/N tried her best. She made sure he got up every morning, ate three meals a day and stayed hydrated. She told me she owed him her life and that it was the least she could do. Sam had Monica to get him through and support him. It was Bucky who we were all worried about. He wasn't the mentally strong Bucky we had come to know and care for.

After the funeral he took a walk. We haven't heard from him in a few days. His motorcycle was gone by the time we got back to HQ. We had no way of tracking him or knowing where he had gone. Y/N had been contacting Fury everyday to try to locate him. Her and Sam stayed up every night reading newspaper articles and searching for any sign of him online. He'd gone off the grid. I couldn't blame him. It's exactly what I did after we defeated Thanos. They weren't going to give up even if that meant going out to find him themselves. That's what I was afraid of. Her obligation to him for saving her life. I couldn't bare to lose her again .

It had been a week and Y/N was sat up in our cabin still searching the internet it was late.
"I miss you," I say to her. She looks up with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry I know I haven't been there for you but it's Bucky. He's the reason I'm here right now. I can't give up on him." I sit down cupping her cheek kissing her deeply.
"Let's find him together. Starting tomorrow we'll get on the jet and head to any and every place we think he might be but for now please come to bed." She smiles kissing me softly.
"Thank you." I take her hand as we walk towards our bedroom. She cuddles into me sleeping peacefully for the first time since he went missing.

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