Chapter 5

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The next few days of training kept me busy. I didn't get to see Wanda much as she was recovering. We would only see her at meals when she was strong enough to get out of bed. Monica was waiting on her hand and foot as she still felt guilty. Wanda simply insisted they were even.
Bucky was still beating me when we fought but I was getting better and stronger. He knew it so this morning he insisted on making Sam take me running to tire me out before we fought. It was clever. We must have ran fifty laps but instead of using my super speed the whole time and tiring myself out I used it for a few laps then ran a few normally repetitively. Sam insisted that it was cheating.
We all sat down to lunch with Sam whining to Bucky about how I had cheated by not using my super speed the whole time.
"What you didn't see that coming?" Wanda asked as she sat down next to me. Much to my delight. She looked at me for a while but didn't say anything but I got what she was asking me to do.
*You're smarter than him. Don't fight hard fight smart* Wanda thought. I nodded my head and smiled.
"I'm coming back to training tomorrow. The doctor has given me the all clear so you won't have to put up with those two." Thank goodness. My smile widened all of us were delighted bar Sam and Bucky.
Wanda looked at me again trying to signal something to me. I cleared my mind and read her thoughts *I'm going to excuse myself follow me*
"Right I'm going to enjoy my last day of freedom. I'm going to head out to the grounds for some peace and quiet." I knew to follow Wanda's lead.
"I'm going to freshen up a bit before I kick Bucky's ass." The boys start laughing but I don't mind I'm more concerned about what Wanda wanted. I follow her out to the grounds and she stops by this big tree with a bench in front of it.

Wanda's POV:
She sits down on the bench next to me. She looks nervous. If only she knew I was too.
"I was wondering if we could have that talk. A lot has happened since then... I just want to be honest with you the way you are with me. But it's going to take me some time to say the right thing," I speak nervously.
"Ok. I'm not upset anymore. I know I overreacted. I guess I get like that sometimes. You know when you're used to the world being against you it's hard to know when you're being used or not," she explains with sadness in her eyes. I place my hand onto hers which rested on the bench beside her.
"I don't let people in. I like keeping people at arms length. I've lost every person I've ever cared about. My parents, my brother...Vision. I've hurt a lot of people cause I was hurting. This is me trying to be open with you to let you in but you have to be aware of what this means. You think my powers are completely under control they're not. I'm terrified they will consume me. I'm so scared of hurting you that I've tried to push you away and I'm so sorry for that. You didn't deserve it. The drunken mess I was that night that's the person I want to be around you the fun carefree one but it's going to take a lot of time. I went into this thinking I could make amends for the hurt I've caused by helping create and enhance those who can prevent hurt. I didn't expect to find someone I wanted to properly get to know and open up to. To be vulnerable around. I promised myself I wouldn't but you make it so difficult to not want to be around you. So I guess this is my way of saying I'd like you to get to know me as friends or whatever. I don't want you to just be my apprentice." Once I finally finish I take a deep breath and wait for her to speak. She envelopes my hand in hers and turns towards me.

"Listen you and I have gone through enough hurt in the first 20 odd years of our lives that most people don't experience in 500 lifetimes. I'm trying to be more positive and believe that there's something positive out there for me, for you for our powers. This could be it. This friendship or whatever is all I wanted when trying to get to know you. I'm not going to pretend I'm that carefree person all the time because I'm not. It takes work and a front almost as good as yours. I don't want you to change for me or to be that drunken person if that's not you. I just want to know Wanda. The fiery beautiful woman who puts tweedledee and tweedledumb in their place for being mean to Peter. The one who makes me feel empowered every time I learn something new. I don't want to be your apprentice. I just want to know you." She speaks so eloquently. I cannot help but tear up.
"Can I hug you?" I ask trying to blink away the tears. She doesn't reply just pulls me in for a long calm safe hug. When we pull away she reveals a tissue from her pocket drying my eyes for me. She just looks at me content. That look could really heal my heart. For now let's focus on friends.
"Right I'm off to kick some Barnes butt. You going to come and watch?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I reply following her.

As I approach the training room I realise regardless of what happens I've already won. She opened up to me. Now I'm not expecting anything to happen but getting to know her will be the greatest privilege of my life.
"You ready for this apprentice?" Bucky snarks.
"Bring it on fossil."
He starts running at me with all his might. His metal arm must make him unbalance so if I take out his left leg it will drag him down. He lunges at me I dodge left and kick out his legs from under him leaving him on the floor. Then I kneel on the back of his knee pressing his metal arm underneath his body to make it harder for him to get up. He managed to rotate his body pushing me off it. Now Bucky knows I've identified his metal arm as a potential weakness he will prioritise his other arm. So he'll have to swing from my left so if I dodge it landing a low blow repeatedly I should be able to pin him down long enough for him to give up. As expected he lunges with his right so I dodge it kicking him where it hurts then kneeing him in the stomach repeatedly until he collapses in pain. I pin him down sat on his lower back pinning his arms behind him. He tries to roll over but he can't.
"Sam you are meant to tire her out not make her into a fighting machine." Every move he tried to make I had an answer for. It got to the point he was so frustrated he swung for me but swung himself across the room into the wall with the power behind his metal arm. As he got up I kicked him hard in the ribs throwing him back into the wall.

"Ok you win." I could hear Peter, Monica and Wanda cheering whilst Sam and Bucky bickered like an old married couple yet again. Both of them sulked their way out of the room.
"Thank you. You told me to fight smart that was the only way I could win," I told Wanda.
"You're welcome. You've all learned a lot already in a few weeks we will be sent on our first mission. I think you're almost ready. The next stage of your training will be communication based. Think of it as team building we want you to get to know each other properly and us too. We will start that training on Monday. As for this weekend you have a few days off. So we're going to throw a party tomorrow night for your hard work which you can invite who you'd like to. I know a couple of old friends will be coming to visit."

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