Chapter 29

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Wanda's POV:
It's been 2 months since Topgolf. We'd still have double dates and go into the city for nights out but we tended to stick to the gay areas of the city to avoid any other incidents. Danvers was always very popular when we'd go to gay bars much to Valkyrie's annoyance. She'd always kiss her or give her a love bite to mark her territory. If the girls still didn't back off she'd threaten them which made them leave swiftly. We'd become very close recently and they'd actually been helping me plan something special for Y/N.

I'm on my way to Y/N's parents house which she had no idea about. We had been together for nearly 10 months now. In our job you can take nothing for granted. Yes she was pretty invincible now but I wasn't. I knew she was it for me so I've decided to ask her family permission to marry her. It's completely old fashioned but their opinion means a lot to her it just felt right to get their approval. I had the ring ready to show them, it was perfect. Carol and Valkyrie helped me pick it out. I hadn't told Jord or her parents why I was coming just that I wanted to speak with them. As I pulled up to the house I started to panic. What if they didn't think I was good enough? What if they said no? I hear a knock at the window startling me. It was Jord.
"You scared the shit out of me," I said as I hugged him getting out of the car.
"Come on let's get inside. I want to listen to why you're here." As I got inside his parents tackled me with a hug. I handed them a bottle of wine and some flowers for the house. They sit down on the couch and I'm stood in front of them so incredibly nervous.

I take a deep breath before I start to speak.
"You're probably wondering why I'm here and why Y/N isn't. I got some of our friends from work to distract her. The reason I came here today is to... ask your permission to marry your daughter. Now I know it's soon but she's the one for me. I love your daughter more than anything in the world. All I want is to make her happy for the rest of our lives. I promise you I will never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her. I love her more than she'll ever know more than I will ever be able to put into words. So Phil, Jen and Jord will you please give me your blessing to marry Y/N so I can show her how much I love her every day for the rest of our lives and beyond?" I ask nervously. They looked at each other and smiled. Phil stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Welcome to the family Wanda. You make her happier than I thought was possible. We know you love her and will take care of her for the rest of your lives," Phil agrees. We have a group hug for a good 10 minutes. I wasn't much of a hugger but it felt nice.  We sat down on the couch together and I showed them the ring which made Jord and Jen cry.

"How are you planning on proposing?" Jord asks.
"Well actually I have an idea. I want to hire out Mia and her husbands restaurant. So that it is only us there having dinner or so she thinks. We'll be having a regular meal for our anniversary. Then I'll get them to play a song she sang me on holiday. When I hear that song I'll propose. You'll be waiting in the back to surprise her if she says yes with our closest friends. Does that sound ok?" I ask. Jen and Jord start crying again so I take that as a yes.
"She'll love it. She really will," Phil says smiling at me. We go out for lunch to celebrate at Mia and Giuseppe's restaurant so I can ask them about the engagement. I was nervous these people mean a lot to Y/N I just hope they approve.

"Ciao Wanda. How are you? No Y/N today," Mia asks giving me a hug.
"Actually that's what I want to ask you about. You and Giuseppe mean so much to Y/N so does your restaurant so I was wondering if you would allow me to use your restaurant to propose to her. You see I have this plan to hire out your whole restaurant if you'll allow me to." I begin to tell Mia and Giuseppe all about my plan to propose to Y/N.
"That sounds beautiful we would be honoured," Giuseppe agrees whilst Mia is crying happy tears. It seems as though everyone is crying today. I'm quite impressed I've held it together for this long.

We have the most exquisite meal before I head back to HQ pleased with how well today went. As I go into the kitchen I'm tackled by a hug, it's Y/N.
"I've missed you," she says holding on tight.
"I've only been gone for 8 hours," I state kissing her lovingly.
"We're glad you're back. She's been sulking since you've been gone. Honestly I think I prefer babysitting Peter," Carol says.
"Don't worry I won't be going anywhere without her again," I smile, "Can you do me favour and grab your hoodie from the Cabin for me you know the blue one and can you grab me some trackies as well?" I ask
Y/N. She kisses me before walking slowly off to get me some clothes. When we knew she was out of earshot Valkyrie starts talking.
"So how did it go?"
"They said yes. Everything is set up and ready to go. You're coming to celebrate right?" I ask them.
"Of course we wouldn't miss it," Carol states. In two weeks time I could be engaged to the woman of my dreams. I couldn't wait.

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