Chapter 22

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Wanda's POV:
It had been an intense few days of training for me but not for Y/N she was getting stronger by the day and had energy in excess. She was happy that was all that mattered. We spent the days in the training rooms and the evening in the Cabin. It was nice to separate work and our personal life. It was Friday and tonight we were having a surprise party for Y/N. I told Bucky to organise it all as I couldn't keep secrets from Y/N she looked at me with her beautiful eyes and I wanted to reveal any and all secrets. Carol had told Y/N that she was here to keep an eye on things while Fury was busy that wasn't the case at all. She'd been helping Bucky with organising the celebrations and to see Valkyrie.

We had just finished training and I was exhausted. Y/N and I started heading back to the cabin to freshen up. She saw I was tired and picked me up walking regularly knowing I wasn't fond of being carried at speed. Y/N put me down on the sofa giving she a quick kiss on the cheek as she sat down next to me.
"So my love I know you're tired should I just order us a pizza and we can watch a film?" She says allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder.
"Actually I have a surprise for you. We're both going to get dressed up and have a nice evening," I say.
"If you're wearing that red dress again I'm going to have to ask for a warning. I've worked hard this week and I'm not sure my heart can take it," she teases. I just wink heading towards the shower.
"Care to join me?" I ask she takes my hand kissing me. This evening was going to be fun.

I get dressed up wearing a white blouse, black trousers and a black blazer. Wanda looked amazing. That dress killed me every time. Sometimes I looked at her thinking that this was all a prank she was playing. I mean she's so out of my league.
"What you thinking about babe?" She asked me.
"Just how lucky I am to be with you," I explain she kisses me gently.
"I think you'll find I'm the lucky one. Come on we're going to be late," Wanda says leading me to the main building.

Before we get to the bar she uses her hands to cover my eyes.
"Is this really necessary?" I say as we walk into the bar.
"SUPRISE," everyone yells as Wanda removes her hands from my eyes. The room is decorated with a welcome home banner and lots of balloons. I turn to Wanda and kiss her on the cheek.
"Thank you everyone," I say gratefully and a little overwhelmed. Carol walks over handing me a glass of champagne for a toast.
"So you all know I've had a rough time of it recently. I just wanted to thank everyone here for keeping Wanda and I going. A special thank you to Bucky for knowing that I was in there to be found and to the people of Wakanda for fixing me when I thought all hope was last. To Bucky and Wakanda!" I say raising my glass.
"To Bucky and Wakanda."

Wanda takes me over to talk to Carol and the woman I assume to be Valkyrie.
"It's so nice to meet the woman who turned Danvers into a romantic sap," I said shaking Valkyrie's hand.
"You're one to talk Y/L/N didn't you write all the reasons you loved Wanda on little notes and put them into a jar for her?" she quipped back.
"So you admit you're on my level of whipped?" I say. Carol rolls her eyes while Valkyrie gives her a kiss on the cheek which makes Wanda and I laugh. Suddenly I get a tap on the shoulder I turn around to see Jord. I give him a hug.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to see who the woman was that got rid of Carol's lesbian hair cut," he laughs shaking Valkyrie's hand.
"You lot are all mean I'm going to get some vodka and we are going to have to do lots of shots if I'm going to tolerate your teasing," she says heading off to the bar.

Wanda, Carol, Valkyrie, Jord and I were all sat in the corner talking and drinking. I was watching Monica talk to Sam.
"When did that happen?" I ask Wanda.
"When you were in Wakanda it brought out a whole different side to Sam he really looked out for her and then this happened," Wanda explained.
"He's not good enough for her," Carol said downing a shot.
"Will anyone ever be good enough for her?" I ask. She shakes her head making me laugh. Peter brings over MJ. I get up to greet her.
"So Peter says you're basically a robot now," MJ declares making me laugh and Peter facepalm.
"Not exactly but I guess so. What do you think of the little bum fluff he's trying to grow?" I ask her.
"I think is cute," she says making him blush. They were adorable.

By 10pm everyone was up dancing we were all having a great time. I wanted to thank Carol for looking out for Wanda so when she went to get a drink I followed her.
"Hey Danvers, teasing aside I wanted to say thank you. I appreciate you looking out for Wanda while I was gone."
"It's no problem. She really loves you. You know anytime I would bring her food and she allowed me in she would always have the same note in her hand," Carol said.
"Which one?"
"You're my home." I started to well up. I hadn't really cried since I got back. Danvers patted me on the back bringing me a slice of pizza to cheer me up making me giggle. I went over to dance with my stunning girlfriend and our wonderful friends. Never did I think I would be this lucky to have more than just my family who cared about me. I knew in that moment that I had people who would do anything for me. Wanda put her arms on my shoulders as we swayed to the music. I kissed her passionately. As we pulled apart I whispered.
"You're my home."

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