Chapter 27

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Today we were all taking the jet and searching for Bucky. I can't continue to do this job if I don't know that he's safe. He's the entire reason that I'm here. Without him I would've been messed up for the rest of my life. I needed to be there for him the same way he was for me. We sit on the jet discussing where he may be. We identify where he and Steve first met in New York City, we asked Fury for the location of any known hydra based including where he had been experimented on and finally Wakanda. We prioritised New York and Wakanda we knew these were our best chances of finding him.

As we land in the City we're all nervous. We have no idea if or where we could find him. Fury had provided us with where him and Steve lived as well as where they would socialise. Sam and Monica went to one location and Wanda, Peter and I to another. Peter knew the city better than any of us so we let him lead. In the back of my mind all I was thinking about is the Bucky that we'd find. Would we find Hydra's Winter Soldier or Bucky our friend? We went round every place that we thought he could be with a photo of him. We asked every person we saw if they'd seen him. No one had. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, impossible. By the time we returned to the jet we were all exhausted and frustrated.
"What if he doesn't want to be found? You know the last time we tried to track him down without him being wrongly accused of murder it took us 70 years," Sam said defeated.
"Ok if he's not in Wakanda or at the Hydra base then we've just got to accept it," I say hurting. Wanda put her arm on my back trying to comfort me.

As we approached Wakanda, Wanda and I went rigid. This place was littered with awful memories for both of us. I was very thankful to the people but I still did not want to relive my time here.
"You ok? I know it's hard for both of you to come here," Monica asks.
"Honestly I don't know. It is a beautiful place with the noblest of people but my time here is of great shame to me. Remembering that I had to come here because I hurt you all is not a good feeling," I tell her.
"I try to forget what happened here but I can't. The two times I've been here I lost someone I loved. Luckily I got her back. Being here just brings back a lot of pain. I'm not sure how I feel either," Wanda explains. I take Wanda's hand kissing it gently to reassure her I'm not going anywhere this time.

Wanda's POV:
As we disembark the jet and see Shuri I'm overcome with emotion. I walk towards her tackling her with a hug.
"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. It's just I never got to Thank you for keeping your promise and bringing her back to me," I mutter embarrassed.
"It is quite alright. You're most welcome. I assume you're here for Mr Barnes," Shuri states.
"Is he here?" Y/N asks.
"Yes but I do not think he will be leaving with you. Come I will show you," Shuri says leading us towards Bucky. I watched Y/N the people smiled at her greeting her like an old friend. She pointed out what she had helped to build as a thank you. She was very proud of her work.

"Hey Buck. How are you doing?" Sam asked nervously.
"I'm doing. I'm not ready to come home. I know that's not the news you probably wanted to hear but I felt the darkness come back. This is the place I need to be right now. It was either come here or go on an angry killing spree across all of Hydra's bases. Steve wouldn't have wanted that. He would've wanted me to come here." He seemed determined and certain of his decision.
"Will you be back?" Y/N asked.
"Eventually. For now you don't need me. Sam's the guy in charge. He's everything that Captain America is supposed to be and more. Peter, I know I tease the hell out of you but you're the noblest Avenger there is no two ways about it. Just keep being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man who does so much more than that. Wanda it's been an honour to watch you become the most powerful Avenger. Monica what can I say except you're an absolute badass who is everything good about departments like Sword. Look after Sam ok? He's going to need someone to keep that big head of his in check. Y/L/N you make every mission so easy. One thing I'm not going to miss is you kicking my ass everyday even after running 100 laps. Don't go getting captured again kid. Do you hear?" He said. We were all in tears but these ones weren't all sad but bittersweet. The hardest goodbye to watch was between Sam and Bucky.
"You better bring me back a chair or bench. Not one of the crappy ones you'd make in high school wood shop a proper one like Y/L/N made. Don't be too long ok? Even if our jobs don't need you. I sure as hell do," Sam tells him trying to hold back the tears.
"Ok. You've got a deal," Bucky states giving Sam one last hug. The whole jet ride home was silence. It felt the same way it did the last time I was here. We were all just hoping it wouldn't be too long before he came back. We didn't need him as a leader but we needed him as a friend. It just wouldn't be the same without him.

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