Chapter 10 - Latin and Swimming

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side note - I did latin for two years but can barely remember anything about it, so if what I wrote about it is wrong feel free to correct me :) - That's all later on in the chapter

Percy and Annabeth had been panicking slightly about what they were going to do when their friends had more of a chance to actually ask them what went on that morning, and were talking frantically about it as they walked to their form rooms. Percy remembered the time when Karl saw him doing martial arts so he told Annabeth that they didn't have to worry too much about it, and that they just had to not slip up like that again. Annabeth suggested that they maybe talk about it later that day so it didn't look like it was something they were trying to hide, and Percy agreed, thankful Annabeth always had a plan.

Much to the relief of Percy and Annabeth their friends didn't question it too much at lunch, and the topic changed to other things, like who had which teacher and who had already gotten homework. The rest of their day went by relatively quickly and uneventfully compared to the day before, which Annabeth was thankful for because people were still whispering about her in the hallways.

Percy and Annabeth were also very thankful when they didn't run into any monsters on their way home, especially because they were in a car with Paul. Nothing much happened that night, Annabeth and Percy started a few pieces of homework together - working through it together was easier because they could catch each other's mistakes when they translated it into english. They had dinner as a family and talked for a bit about their days, but then went to bed.


Neither Annabeth or Percy had nightmares that night, which they were very grateful for - especially Percy as he didn't want to be tired for the swim trials. Not that he would struggle if he was tired - the water would energize him - he just wanted to be focused on swimming, not what he could possibly return to when he went to bed. Percy asked Annabeth if she wanted to try out for the swim team as he was putting his swim kit into a bag, pulling out a spare towel if she agreed.

"Thanks for the offer, Perce, but I was actually thinking about doing some of the other sports, like volleyball or soccer. Aliyah and Charlie were thinking about trying out some of them with me." Annabeth informed him.

"That sounds cool, I bet you will blow people's minds when they see how good you are!"Percy declared, "I swear, it's terrifying being on the opposite team as you when we play at camp!"

"Aww, thanks Perce! For that I might not hit you in the face next game!" Annabeth joked, laughing at the relieved expression on Percy's face.

"Thank Gods!" He whispered, looking up at the ceiling mockingly. Annabeth laughed again at his antics. "When we get to school we can look at when they are doing trials, so you can go. I think most of them are next week."

"That sounds good, especially if they overlap with your swim practises." Annabeth pointed out, "Then neither of us will have to sit in the library and wait for ages."

"Good point - you might have to do that today though, sorry." Percy replied apologetically. He finished getting his swimming kit and stuffed it into his backpack and they both made their way downstairs.

"That's fine, I'll just do some homework in the library or on the chairs in the swimming pool." Annabeth said as she came down the stairs behind him.

They ate a quick breakfast and left with Paul, jumping into the back of his car and driving to school. In the car they told him he could just leave school without them because of Percy's swim trials and they would walk back home when they were done. He offered to come and pick them up after because it was a short drive, but Percy said they might want to hang out with friends after since it was a Friday. Paul nodded in understanding and dropped them out front before going to the teacher's parking lot.

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