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hehe (goblin cackle) fight scene is at the hallway point round about 

"What on Earth are you supposed to pack for a school trip? And don't we have to be there at like seven?" Aliyah huffed, slumping down in the chair on Percy and Annabeth's balcony. Everyone had decided to hang out at Percy's place the weekend before the school trip, and were talking about it.

Percy shrugged from his place on the floor, "I dunno, me and Annabeth just have like a go bag and we're just taking that, and yeah, seven in the morning urgh,"

"A 'go bag'? What's that?" Karl asked, sharing a look of confusion with the rest of his friends. Annabeth tensed imperceptibly at the line of questioning they were going down.

Percy, blissfully ignorant, just carried on talking, "Oh, it's like a bag that's just always ready with the basics of what you need, enough to last you a few days. Then if there's an emergency, you just grab your go bag and you're good,"

"What kind of emergencies require that level of precaution?" Ash asked, faced scrunched in thought.

"Family emergencies," Percy replied shortly. "But yeah, that's what we're gonna bring. It's got a change of clothes, snacks and sanitary stuff, and a little money. I mean, we're only going to be there for two nights, you really don't need much,"

Annabeth relaxed slightly into her seat, thankful Percy had managed to steer the conversation back to the previous topic.

"You're used to traveling light, huh," Aaron noticed, taking a sip of his drink.

Annabeth nodded and Percy hummed in agreement. "Family emergencies happen frequently. We also go camping a lot, so that helps, I guess," She explained. "But yeah, that's really all you need, you could probably go with less considering we're with school,"

"Nah, I'll take that, I'm used to traveling with a lot," Aliyah snorted. "My mom always packs so much more than we need when we go on vacation, it's actually a joke sometimes. To be fair, my siblings lose a lot of it, but still,"

"Yeah, I know how you feel," Annabeth replied, smiling as she recalled memories. "One time I lent my brother a travel pack - or something similar, I can't really remember - and he lost it, and then I learned that he had lost every single one that any of my siblings had. We had to pay Cabin 11 to sneak out and buy us more and they charged us so much we were all broke for ages,"

"Ohh, I remember that! Oh my Gods, that was why they were basically drowning in drachmas! That makes so much more sense," Percy laughed with realisation and Annabeth chuckled along with him. The others glanced at each other in confusion at the foreign currency, but neither Percy or Annabeth caught it.

"Do you have a lot of siblings then?" Karl asked, leaning back in his chair. Annabeth nodded, "Yeah, but they're all half siblings, related on my mom's side," "Huh, interesting. I'm an only child, don't know what it's like," He explained.

They fell into a conversation about the ups and downs of siblings, the sun warming them but a breeze flowing, making sure they weren't too hot. Eventually it started to get late and their friends left, leaving the couple to have dinner with Percy's parents and doing the rest of their nightly routine.


It was seven in the morning and all of the students going on the trip were questioning their life choices. Even the teachers were regretting their choices, not wanting to deal with so many sleep deprived teenagers at such an early hour.

"Why in Hades did we have to wake up this early," Percy complained to Annabeth, Paul and his mom as they got into the car. Sally was going to drop them off in front of school, because Percy had been adamant that it was illegal to have to walk there this early in the morning.

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