Chapter 33 - Getting Godly Blessings For a Proposal...

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Percy was thanking every God he knew when the school bell rang to signify school was over for a multitude of reasons. The most prominent one being the fact that Fredrick's call had reminded Percy of some very important calls he would need to make to the godly side of things.

He was distracted throughout the whole car ride home, figuring out which order he should make calls and how he should word his requests. If Annabeth had noticed anything, she seemed to think it was school related. The only thing she did was take his hand and squeeze it lightly, and Percy smiled lightly before doing it back.

When they got back home, Sally called Annabeth into her study so that she could help with something. Sally had recently been asking Annabeth for help with logistics in her books, and Annabeth always loved helping out.

Taking advantage of the next hour or more he would have to himself, he rushed upstairs to start his homework. Thank Gods for him actually having a reputation for doing his homework now, because no one seemed to doubt him.

"Who first, who first, who first?" He muttered to himself as he searched around their room for the stash of drachmas they kept. "Okay, Owl Lady first, because she's Annabeth's mom, then Cow because she'll be pissed if she's last, then Lady H for a thank you, then Pipe's mom because she'll want to know," He eventually decided.

Percy grabbed his water bottle out of his bag and walked over to the window where Apollo had decided to be nice, and there was a warming autumn sun shining through. Percy proceeded to throw the water at it, pausing it in mid air with just a thought.

After manipulating it into a rainbow mist, Percy tossed in a drachma and made an IM, asking for Lady Athena. The mist rippled as he waited for the call to connect, before it cleared into an image of Lady Athena standing somewhere in Olympus.

She looked down on him with disdain, "Poseidon scum, never a pleasure,"

Percy rolled his eyes, "Could say the same,"

Lady Athena glared at him, but Percy just gave a winning smile back. "Why have you called? I have work to be doing,"

"As do I, but this is important. I wanted to let you know that I'm going to propose to Annabeth soon, and depending on if she says yes we are going to get married. I've mostly given up on wishing that you'll bless us, but I thought you should know," He informed her.

Lady Athena pursed her lips, her grey eyes scanning Percy up and down. It would have been unnerving except for the fact they were the same as Annabeth's eyes when she was sizing you up for a fight, so he smiled slightly at the thought.

"You're thinking of her now," Athena noted "You get a certain look on your face when you are thinking only of her,"

Percy met her eyes, surprised that she had picked up on something so small that many people who saw them everyday had missed. "I do?"

"Yes, you do," She paused, looked back down at the work she had been doing. "You will ask her to marry you no matter what I say, so I don't see the need for you to be calling me,"

Percy nodded, "Yes, I would," He replied simply. "But you are her mother, and with all we have done, I hope you care somewhat about who she ends up with. And I also hope you know I don't think there would ever be anyone else for us. So with that, I thought I should at least ask that you will accept us and not interfere, if that is as much as you are willing to do,"

Athena looked at him thoughtfully, considering something. It seemed she had come to a conclusion and she started speaking, in a softer tone than before.

"You know, Aphrodite sometimes asks for my help when designing soulbounds between souls. It is a rare request and I don't always accept it, but this time, however, I'm glad I did,"

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