Chapter 39 - Who are their godly parents?

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As predicted, Percy walked back upstairs balancing piles of food precariously above him. He closed the door shut behind him with his foot and gently dropped the food in a pile on the floor, then joined his fiance and the kids there.

"Mom's called Argus, she said he'd be here in half an hour," Percy informed them, helping himself to a cookie, sighing in content when he bit into the warm, blue, chocolaty mess.

He noticed how the kids looked longingly at the food but refrained from grabbing any, so he pushed the piled towards them slightly. "Help yourselves. If you want anything that's not here just ask and I can check if we have it,"

All five of them immediately descended onto the food like they hadn't eaten properly in days. Looking at the size of them, it was likely they hadn't.

Percy had also brought water up for them knowing it was likely they hadn't been able to get proper clean water. However, when the youngest picked it up and waved a hand over it, turning into some kind of juice, the worry dimmed.

The older of the five quickly looked to see the reaction of the couple but Annabeth just curled herself into Percy's side as they waited for them to get a sufficient amount of food into their body before they explained the situation.

A few minutes passed until their eating slowed down and the eldest, Adriel, sat back while the others carried on eating.

"You said you have answers to our questions," He said, tucking his long braid back over his shoulder.

"We should have answers to most of your questions, and if we don't have answers, someone else probably will," Annabeth replied. "Where do you want to start?"

Adriel leaned forwards, furrowing his brow in concentration. Percy looked to Annabeth in alarm but she just motionted to let him carry on. Percy frowned, but settled back in his seat.

Adriel held his hand over the food and moments later the food blurred, as if looking through fuzzy glass. Then it was gone, the only thing they could see was the floor. Adriel sat back and relaxed, the food slowly coming back into view.

"Why can I do that?" he asked, looking down at his hands.

"Well," Annabeth turned to Percy, who nodded, indicating that she could be the one to explain. "What do you know of the Greek Gods?"

Luisa sat up in interest while the others had vague looks of confusion on her face. "I love those myths, my dad used to read them to me all the time when I was younger,"

Percy stood up and grabbed a thin book with the basic tales of the twelve olympians from a book shelf. "When we're done talking I recommend taking a quick flick through that,"

"Thanks," Adriel said, opening it so he could look at it with the two younger girls. He also showed it to the younger boy, but he tapped his lips and pointed to Percy and Annabeth then turned to look at them rather than the book.

Percy suddenly remembered that one of them was deaf, and so he quickly signed out, Do you want us to sign along to what we are saying?

The young boy shook his head and replied, his hands moving almost too fast for the older couple to understand.

No, it's okay now, thank you. I can lip read so I can usually tell what people are saying. It was harder back in the building because it was dark, but now it's fine.

Annabeth nodded and resumed her explanation, making sure that his view of her mouth wasn't obstructed by Percy's head as he leaned back onto her. "Well, the Greek Gods are relevant to our story because they're real,"

The five of them stopped what they were doing in shock. Adriel dropped the book he had been flicking through, ironically falling open onto the page about Hecate.

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