Chapter 16 - Nail Polish

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A/N - hey guys! I had some time to write a little more so I decided to release this chapter earlier than usual! Hope yall enjoy XD

They walked out of school, turning in the direction of Percy's house as their friends got permission from their parents. Aliyah and Charlie accurately gave Percy of what happened at the trials, Annabeth being entirely too humble for their liking.

"No, don't listen to her, she's lying. She was literally the only reason any team with her on it won. Granted, the skill of the other players helped - which is why she only lost once which was when she was on a bad team." Charlie explained while Aliyah shushed Annabeth.

"It's true, she always seemed to have a strategy to absolutely demolish the other team, always finding their weak link and destroying it," Aliyah chimed in, still holding a hand over Annabeth's mouth to silence her.

"I'm not surprised, whenever we play at camp we have to split up her and her siblings' cabin because otherwise no one would have a chance." Percy replied, smiling proudly while Annabeth blushed.

Annabeth managed to pull Aliyahs hand off her mouth and quickly butted in, "I object - Tyche cabin have beaten us many times."

Percy rolled his eyes, "Yeah well, their to lucky for their own good, that's why we split them up as well,"

"You know, you should bring whoever coaches you guys to join Goods, maybe then we would be able to really start winning." Aliyah suggested, Charlie nodding along, "Especially if they play as well as you."

"We mostly play for fun, but everyone gets competitive and so cabin leaders are the people who teach you, or you just pick it up." Annabeth explained.

"Are you a cabin leader then?" Charlie asked.


"Then you must be an excellent coach if your whole cabin always beats everyone! And besides, there is no way you're not gonna be on the team - you might even be captain!" Aliyah exclaimed. "I swear Ms Layla's mouth was just permanently on the floor!"

"Well, thanks guys, but I doubt I'll be captain," Aliyah and Charlie just rolled their eyes knowingly.


The group walked into the house and dumped their bags with their shoes before making their way into the living room. Paul was sitting in the living room with piles of students' work surrounding him and he waved hello as they walked in before going back to his own work.

"Want a snack or anything?" Percy offered, pulling a capri sun out of the fridge and chucking it to all of them. "Before you bully me, these are incredible and I won't take any capri sun slander,"

"I was actually going to say wise choice," Charlie put in, stabbing it with the straw and taking a sip.

"What she said," Aliyah echoed, copying Charlie's actions.

Percy nodded in approval, and started drinking his own, "You choose friends wisely, Annabeth. Right, snacks?"

They grabbed some fruit and the jar that contained the blue cookies before making their way upstairs, grabbing their backpacks in case they wanted to do some homework.

They didn't expect to get anything done, but Percy had been tutoring people and no one expected that.

"Nice room, Percy. Lots of bookshelves though, didn't know you read so much," Charlie announced as they walked in to Percy and Annabeth's room.

Percy ran and jumped onto the bed, "Thanks, and the bookshelves aren't for me though. They're for Annabeth,"

"But doesn't she just keep her books at her house?" Aliyah asked, confused.

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