Chapter 28 - The White House Elevator! - What could go wrong..?

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A/N - i don't know if the white house has an elevator. For the purpose of the story, the white house now has an elevator ;)

TW for a flash back

The coach dropped them off and their tour guide met them outside by the beautifully manicured lawns of the White House. The whole group would be going as one, and the tour guide had brought with him a massive box of badges, which got passed around so people could take the one with their name.

Once that was all done, the whole group followed behind the tour guide as they started the tour, walking through a door into the actual building of the White House. They had to scan their badges through and the tour guide was waved through before waiting on the other side for the class.

"One minute Percy, or should I say Aaron?" Said Mr Blofis, hand on Percy's shoulder to stop him going through security. He looked pointedly at the name badge pinned on Percy's shirt, then to Aaron. "Karl?" Mr Blofis sighed, "Boys, switch them back,"

"What do you mean, Mr Blofis, sir? My name's Aaron," Percy replied, looking innocently up at Mr Blofis, his signature trouble making grin hidden poorly.

"Percy," Mr Blofis warned, "Would you rather me telling you or one of the other teachers?"

"Damn," Percy muttered under his breath, taking his name badge from Karl and handing his to Aaron. "Worth a shot,"

"Maybe try that when we aren't going into the White House, of all places," He replied, rolling his eyes fondly, before letting him follow the others through security. Percy just smirked back at him, walking over to join the girls and Ash, Karl and Aaron ahead of him.

The tour guide led them through the house, covering most of the bottom floor. Everyone was in varying levels of impressed at the security, but Percy and Annabeth were just thankful that none of the security guards had noticed outlines of daggers and that the metal detector hadn't gone off when they walked through it.

Eventually they had seen all the rooms they were permitted to see on the ground floor, so the tour guide lead everyone back into the entrance room where they walked up a very grand staircase. Annabeth gushed appreciatively at how it was suited to the room and Percy nodded when he was supposed to even if it went in one ear and out the other.

The tour was actually decently interesting; they were learning lots of fun or random facts about old Presidents and what happened in specific rooms. Again, they were able to go in most rooms, but one wing was completely out of bounds, and they were only allowed up one more floor when there were four.

They walked up another staircase and Percy had stopped paying attention to Claudia (the tour guide) and the rooms a while ago - yeah, it was the White House, but everything was so similar. He thought that knowing full well the different escape routes he might need to use if a monster cornered him in any of them, but the point still stands.

Finally the tour guide announced they were finished and they walked to the far end of a hallway to take an elevator back down. She went on to explain that it was because the staircases had a one way system, and Percy and Annabeth thought that was Minotaurshit.

"Sooo...." Percy said quietly to Annabeth as they approached it. "What's the plan?"

"Zeus, Percy, I don't know!" Replied Annabeth, using annoyedness to cover her fear. Already memories of a full sized Tartarus and Percy dropping Riptide were surfacing. "Sorry, I'm not annoyed, just ....,"

"I know, but at least it's only two floors?" Percy trailed off with a shrug.

Annabeth grabbed his hand with a smile, "Percy, Percy, ever the optimist. Love you," Percy smiled and brought their hands to his mouth to kiss the back of her hand quickly. Annabeth blushed and smiled back, memories successfully at bay with the lingering feeling of Percy's kiss on the back of her hand.

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