Chapter 29 - Annabeth's old school friend

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"Percy? Percy!"

"Mom!" Percy barrelled across the parking lot, Annabeth and Paul following at a slower pace to let the mother and son have a reunion. Percy crushed her in a massive hug, making them stumble backwards before they released each other.

"Hey sweetie! How was your trip?" Sally questioned, seeing Percy positively bursting to tell her. "I know there was a small hiccup yesterday, but did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was super fun! We visited loads of museums and stuff which was cool but a little boring, but hanging out with all my friends was super awesome. For my first school trip it was pretty good, I'd say. Oh - And we got to..." Percy rambled, hands moving animatedly as he recounted everything.

Sally was beaming as she listened to him, as she had been worried about him while he was away, However, it seemed all her worrying was unnecessary and apart from one unfortunate event, Percy was back, happy, and in one shape, so that was all that really mattered.

Paul gave her a quick peck on the cheek in greeting, before letting her carry on listening to Percy's retelling of the weekend. He helped Annabeth put their bags in the back of the car before everyone piled in and they drove home.

They were welcomed home to the pleasant aroma of cookies, and Annabeth could see Percy positively drooling at his mouth - though she couldn't fault him as she was dying to eat some.

"Yes, yes, cookies for everyone! Come into the kitchen, they're on the counter," Sally told them with a grin, leading them to the kitchen while they dropped their stuff down. 

Annabeth and Percy immediately grabbed plates and started piling them with cookies, still warm and the chocolate gooey. From Percy's expression, Annabeth was worried there might be a repeat of the Nutella Pizza Incident, but whatever noises Percy could have been making stayed successfully quiet.

Sally then got two more points of view of the trip on the weekend, until she saw how Percy was practically falling asleep on Annabeth. They had spent the day going from museum to museum before finally hopping onto the coach home - apparently a very chaotic drive if the stories were anything to go by.

They both said a quick goodnight, thankful that the next day was a Sunday so they could sleep in. Annabeth was gently pushing Percy up the stairs, carrying both their bags because Percy would probably just fall down if he carried them.

When they got to their room, Percy just fell straight into bed, not bothering about clothes. Annabeth rolled her eyes, setting their bags down in the corner before changing into her night clothes.

"Percy," She said quietly, nudging him out of the middle of their bed. He grunted in response. "Take of your jeans at least, those are uncomfortable to sleep in,"

Percy, even in a not fully functioning state, knew that Annabeth was usually right, so he sleepily pulled off his jeans and threw them off to the side. Annabeth chuckled and turned off the light, returning to collapse on their bed like Percy had.

"Oww, Annie, you fell on me," He muttered sleepily, not bothering to move.

"Sorry, Perce, you're just in the middle of the bed," She remarked pointedly, moving off him.

Percy whined in response to her getting off him, and rolled onto his side to pull Annabeth into him. "You're warm. Stay,"

Annabeth gave a small, quiet laugh, and relaxed further into Percy's arms. "Always, Perce, always,"


School, for the next few weeks, was the same old boring routine. The school added a few exams into the mix, a little bit of added misery for the students, but you know, they do it for fun. Then after halloween (which was fucking awesome according to Percy and Annabeth - Leo and the Stoll brothers, a team no one knew was a scary as it was), something new happened.

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