Chapter 32 - Percy has a Plan to tell Fredrick he's going to propose

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Percy woke up slowly, basking in the warmth of being wrapped around Annabeth - or her around him? Actually, if he was being honest, he could see a knee but he wasn't sure if it was his or Annabeth's.

Whatever, all that mattered was the fact he was taking his time to wake up with his girlfriend, and he could take his time because no Gods needed help and there were no prophecie to be filled. Ah, what a great way to wake up.


Ah yes, what a relaxing way to regain consciousness.

"What in Hades was that?" Annabeth murmured sleepily, tucking her head farther into Percy's shoulder.

"Good morning," Percy replied quietly, and Annabeth hummed in response. "I'm not actually sure, but it sounds like someone trying to make pancakes,"

"Ooh, yum, we should go join," Neither of them wanted to move.

Eventually, Annabeth gained more awareness as she woke up, shifting her position to wake herself up. Percy pulled her closer when she attempted to move away, breathing in the scent of her hair as it fell over her face.

"Percyyy," She said quietly, "We should get up, come on,"

He groaned, but joined Annabeth in getting up nonetheless. They moved around each other quietly, getting more clothes to put on before walking outside and joining their friends.

While they walked, Annabeth asked how the meeting with Poseidon had gone. Percy was thankful she had fallen asleep on the beach and that he had to carry her inside because it had given him time to come up with an adequate cover story.

"No reason, just asking me how I was doing, along with mom and stuff. It was kind of weird, but he said well done to me about the swim meet and told me to pass on congratulations to my mom and Paul about the baby," Percy explained.

Annabeth seemed to believe the story and Percy internally sighed in relief. He had hidden the rings in his backpack and was praying that she didn't find them. They joined their friends in the main room, where the kitchen was as well and halted at the entrance.

"What the fuck?" Annabeth agreed with Percy's chosen words, there was no other way to even begin asking someone to describe what the kitchen looked like.

"Uhhh, heyyy guys! How ya doin'?" Ash greeted them, waving from the rafters in the ceiling.

Percy looked like he was contemplating his whole life existence, so Annabeth just calmly led him to the table to sit down. Aliyah quickly pulled a knife out of a wall and set it in the sink calmly, then joined them at the table.

"So, how does making pancakes go so wrong?" Annabeth asked. "Actually wait, don't answer that, there are so many ways,"

"Oh?" Aaron took the pan to make the pancakes in from the window sill and turned it over to get the plant out. "How did it happen for you?"

"Well, there are many different versions, I am almost saddened to say this was a frequent occurrence. Percy was rather traumatised from one time, it's why he's in shock over there," Annabeth informed him solemnly. Aaron smirked and her sombre facade broke as she snorted before quickly regaining her cool.

"Well, help me make pancakes and we can compare stories?" Aaron offered, quickly drying the pan with a hand towel. Annabeth smirked and stood to join him, leaving Percy at the table with only Ash and Aliyah.

"Hey, where are Karl and Charlie?" Percy asked, realising they weren't in the room.

Aliyah and Ash shared a conspiring look then turned to Percy in unison. He looked between the both of them, not knowing if he regretted asking or if he was even more curious.

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