Chapter 14 - How are we going to explain the scars? pt 2

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A/N - Again I know nothing about swimming, sorry if its all wrong

⚠️TW⚠️ - mentions of child abuse, but it's literally one sentence 

The silence of the group as they digested what Percy said was incredibly awkward for him and he was cringing internally as they walked to the sports board. He was trying to distract himself and so was fidgeting more than normal, spinning Riptide in his hands and humming as they walked along. His friends noticed the increase in movement from him, but it was normal when he got stressed so didn't comment on it. They striked up a conversation to get rid of the tension which Percy was grateful for.

"Ten dollars says Percy's captain."

"Dude, that's a terrible bet, it's a given that Percy's gonna be the captain." Karl voiced.

Percy blushed, "Aww, thanks guys but I doubt it. Coach probably won't cause he wants to avoid what happened last year."

"Why is the only time you're humble it's about swimming? It's like the one thing you have bragging rights to, since you're so good! Look he's even blushing!" Karl raised his eyebrows at Percy. "I doubt it'll matter though, did you see how happy he was yesterday with your times?"

"I guess, but he was happy with everyone's times. Dante got a PB, he was ecstatic about that, especially for swim trials."

"Well it won't matter if he's the swim captain or not if there's a repeat of last year, Coach will kill him all the same." Ash piped up, "We better not get a repeat of last year."

Percy's demeanor got slightly quieter and more closed off at the possibility of a repeat of the year before. "If it happened again I would throw hands at three old ladies so it better not."

His friends were slightly confused by that, but they had reached the board and immediately started scanning the list of names. Unsurprisingly, Percy was captain, but it seemed Percy was correct when assuming Coach would do something in case there was a repeat of last year.

Percy turned to Karl with a delighted look on his face, "Co-Captains, bro! Nice!" He held his hand out for a high-five which Karl immediately went for.

"Well done guys!" Aaron and Ash congratulated the pair.

"Who's the female captain?" Percy asked, scanning the board again.

"Diya, like last year I think..." Ash scanned the board again as well, "Yep, Diya." 

"Nice, it was fun working with her." Karl piped up, Percy nodding in agreement even if he had only been with her for a few months.

"Oh, didn't Annabeth say that she and her friends wanted to know when other clubs' trials were gonna be?" Aaron asked as they stopped looking at the board. "They wanted to try volleyball or soccer right?"

"Oh, yes! Thank Gods you remembered!" Percy turned back to the board, "Wednesday and Thursday after school! Perfect!"

"No problem!" Aaron chuckled as Percy enthusiastically wrote it down on his hand with a bronze pen he pulled from his pocket.

Once Percy was done the group started to head back to their form room, taking the long way back to avoid as much of form time as possible. Their form tutor was super annoying and was always dress coding the girls and ignoring the boys, and was super patronizing. Percy and his friends were not looking forward to going back and having to sit in silence.

Unfortunately, you can only take so long to walk back to a classroom, so eventually they were all back in their seats, attempting to mutter quietly to each other without the teacher finding out. None of the students were sure about what the teacher was trying to achieve by making them sit in silence, but it was pretty entertaining to see some kinds who knew sign language having a full on conversation causing the teacher to turn an interesting shade of red.

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