Chapter 17 - Jackson-Chase?

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A/N - this was written when the Instagram account Everyone's Invited started to get a lot of notice from the news and stuff. Lots of the teachers at my school reacted really badly to it and were completely disregarding the students even though we were the ones who experienced what was happening, so the first part of this chapter is literally me projecting onto what I wish happened at my school. 

It annoys me that this is part of what so many people have to go through, and that so little is done about it that 1 in 3 women will experience sexual assault in their life, so I wanted to write about it to educate people a little bit. 

TW - mentions of rape-culture in schools, but only mentions catcalling

While they were glad to escape the land of sleep, they were not excited to go to school, and Percy had been expressing his displeasure the whole morning while the couple was getting ready.

"I just wanna sleeeeeeeeep, Annie," He groaned from the depths of the covers.

Annabeth placed her hands on her hips, "I know you're tired, but it's a friday. It's the weekend! Just one more day! Come on, up!"

"Noooooooooo, it's warmmmmmmm. And I have to go through the whole day!" He whined.

"Percy!" Annabeth sighed. "Come onnn! We have latin today, be excited for latin! And swimming!"

"Yay, an hour and half here people stare at me more than normal!" Percy replied sarcastically.

"Aww, Perce, it'll be okay." Annabeth comforted him as she realised the reason for him acting as he was. She sat down on the bed next to where she thought his head was, "If you like, I can go 'protective girlfriend mode' and tell everyone to stop staring at you."

He pushed the covers off his head and looked at her gratefully, "Would you? That would be great, it makes me uncomfortable."

"No problem, I know how it feels."

"You do?" He questioned, glancing at her with a concerned look.

Annabeth smiled sadly, "Yeah, of course I do, I'm a girl. We tend to get looked at in weird ways by people a lot, mainly by men. The boys on the football team did it when I was at school, actually."

He sat up, an angry expression on his face, "What?! That's horrible! Why? Can I go 'protective boyfriend' on you then, and beat them up?"

"If you want, but it doesn't tend to stop them."

"That's just rude, I'll have to talk to them, they need to be educated!"

Annabeth hummed in agreement, grabbing Percy's hand and examining it. "They do, unfortunately no one ever told them it was wrong."

"Hey, if it happens at school and makes girls feel uncomfortable, why doesn't the school do something about it?" Percy asked, confused at the lack of solution. "Like, I didn't even know this was a problem until you told me, why doesn't the school tell the boys to stop and stuff?"

"Because they think it's just easier to ignore, and that behaviour has been around for a long time. Women were seen as something a man owned until relatively recently, and so the behaviour has trickled down through generations. Sometimes people don't even see it as wrong." Annabeth explained.

"That's just messed up. We should start like a club or something, educate people, make the school have to pay attention." Percy said thoughtfully. "Yeah, I'm gonna start a club."

"Okay, I'll join, and I know lots of people who will too. But to do that, you gotta get ready."

"Ugghhh! Fineeeee!"

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