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"LEO?!" the seven screeched in unison, staring up at Festus as they lowered themselves to the ground. Nobody had any idea who the other person on the back of the gold dragon was.


Immediately the space around the campfire was cleared and it was large enough for Festus to land. Everyone stood around, shocked into silence. Chiron thought it was the first time it was so quiet for a millenia.

Two figures slid off the back of the dragon, one everyone knew to be Leo, and a girl who was dressed in jeans with a white t-shirt and a long braid going over her shoulder. Leo dramatically offered out a hand to help her off the dragon, but she rolled her eyes fondly and slapped his hand away with a laugh, jumping down instead.

Leo walked around to the front of Festus and tapped his nose saying, "Good Job, buddy. You can go to the Bunker now, or whatever, just don't eat anyone!"

Festus took off again, flying in the direction of the forest and Leo turned back around to face the shocked campers. "Well," He started, "Didja miss me?"

There was a blissful silence for a few moments longer, until it erupted into chaos. Everyone was trying to process exactly what was going on since they had seen Leo die. They were also staring at the absolutely stunning girl next to him, who nobody knew, and who was currently inching closer to Leo, uncomfortable with all the eyes on her.

"LEO VALDEZ WHAT IN HADES WERE YOU THINKING!!" Piper stormed up to him and tackled him to the ground in a massive hug, a tear rolling down her face before getting back up and slapping him. "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"

He chuckled nervously, "Heyyy, Beauty Queen, has anyone told you that you are absolutely terrifying?"

Pipers scowl softened the tiniest bit and she roughly wiped a tear from her cheek, "Not lately, since it's usually you saying that and, let me repeat, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"

"YEAH WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD ASSHOLE!" Nyssa from the Hephaestus cabin had shouted this. Leo turned in alarm to face his siblings, who had all gotten up and were running towards him. "I CAN'T DECIDE IF I WANT TO PUNCH OR HUG YOU, FIRE BOY!"

Now, the rest of the seven were also having the same dilemma, having overcome their shock, and were also moving towards him with the same purpose as Leo's siblings. It was safe to say that the campfire was in chaos.

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Piper shouted out, Charmspeake lacing her words heavily and everyone froze. "Get into an orderly line, you can punch or hug Leo when you get to him!"

That was probably the best idea of the whole day, and everyone scrambled to get in line, the people who didn't know Leo sitting on the side and watching with popcorn that the Hermes Cabin had suddenly managed to produce (For a drachma, of course). Leo was the only one who seemed to not like this idea.

Calypso, who seemed to fall out of the spotlight as soon as Piper slapped Leo, was waiting at the side of the campfire until Leo introduced her in the explanation of where he went. She was laughing quietly behind her hand as she watched people punch her boyfriend and then hug him immediately after.

The Seven and Hephaestus cabin had tears rolling down their faces, happy tears, and they kept pinching each other to make sure it was real. The line was quite a long line, and Leo was grimacing in advance, sure he was going to have a massive bruise on it after this.

Leo had to say, while the punches sucked the hugs were great, but he didn't think that many people would have missed him (When he mentioned this to Calypso later she looked at him incredulously and said, "Leo, all these people are people who you have helped make their lives a better place. For all the annoyance you can be, I don't think anyone can meet you and not love you." Did he turn beetroot red and cry a tiny bit? Possibly).

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