Chapter 26 - First day of Field Trip done!

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"While you guys were gone we went and got snacks," Aaron announced, pulling packets of sweets out of his bag as they settled back down for the drive. "If you want any, grab some,"

"Legends," Percy replied as thanks, nodding to them as he grabbed a bag of squashies for him to have with Annabeth. "What did you all do on the way here?"

"Watched a movie," Ash replied, slouching down in their seat. "Aliyah brought her computer and everyone else brought headphone splitters,"

"Nice," Percy stuffed a sweet in his mouth. "What movie did you watch?"

"Mamma Mia," Aliyah told him, opening up her computer again. "You wanna watch another one for the rest of the trip?"

Everyone agreed and they chose a second movie together, Aaron passing around the sweets. Annabeth stopped Percy from overloading on sugar, knowing that it would be a nightmare having to sit next to him if he was in a sugar rush.

They put headphones on, but Annabeth was distracted, trying to figure out a way to talk to Percy about what happened during the fight without sounding accusatory.

Percy pulled out one of Annabeth headphones and whispered into her ear, "I can hear you thinking, Wise Girl,"

Annabeth smiled sheepishly at him, "Sorry, I'm just thinking about what happened,"

Percy switched to ancient greek, still whispering as to not disturb their friends, "You mean about me being able to feel people's blood?"

Annabeth nodded and replied also in ancient greek, "Yeah, I just never knew you could do that, and I have so many questions I don't even know where to start,"

"I can just explain it to you and you can interject if you want," Percy offered, and Annabeth nodded gratefully. "Okay, so, yeah I can sense people's blood. I didn't really notice, mainly because I can also sense all the water molecules in the air and also plants and stuff. But after the Pit place, and that whole thing with Akhlys I started to notice more, I guess?

"I was able to differentiate between different things when we got out, so I could tell if it was like an animal or a plant, which was super weird, but I've gotten used to it and now it's sorta like background noise,"

Annabeth was taking it all in quietly, taking the information and processing it as she listened to him. "So you started noticing that you were sensing water molecules after we got out? And then realised that you could sense specific things?"


"Oi, what are you two love birds whispering about over there?" Karl interrupted, and the couple snapped around looking sheepishly.

"Nothing!" They replied together in english, going for the 'Officer, I'm innocent!' look and failing drastically.

Karl looked at them with eyes narrowed suspiciously, "Mhm, sure," he responded, before deciding to ignore them and go back to the movie.

The couple waited a minute before Percy continued what he was saying, "Yeah, basically. When I was younger I thought I just had heightened senses, then I thought it was an every demigod kind of thing. Then I learned it was a son of Poseidon kind of thing,"

"That's pretty cool, Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed in a whisper. "So can you feel my heartbeat or something?"

"Yeah, I can feel everyones in the coach, but yours is the most clear because you're next to me," Percy explained

"Wait, how far does this sense span?" She questioned.

"In an open space, a fairly large span but I haven't measured it so I'm not sure. I usually use physical boundaries to control it, so I only sense things in a room or this bus. It makes drowning it out easier," Percy indicated to the side of the bus.

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