Chapter 31 - Poseidon gives decent marriage advice?

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"I swear to the fucking gods, Aaron, if you play that song one more fucking time, I will blow my shit," Annabeth announced, glaring at Aaron who sheepishly looked up from his phone. "I agree, it's an absolute banger, however, it is itching my brain wrong because it's a weird version, so change it right now,"

"I recommend doing as the lady says," Percy informed Aaron. "When she says she will blow her shit, it is not a lie,"

Aaron took one look at Annabeth's expression and didn't doubt it for a second. He quickly scrolled through his playlist to choose another song, thankful when she turned back around.

They were two hours into the just under four hour drive and everybody was starting to get a little antsy. They hadn't had a stop yet and were hungry, despite eating one of the containers filled with blue cookies Sally had sent them off with.

"We're halfway into the drive, let's pull over somewhere and get food, or snacks at least," Karl said. Ash waited for anyone to protest before they switched lanes, so they could turn off the highway when they saw a place.

"Where does everyone wanna go? Snacks or actual food?" Aliyah asked. Everyone quickly announced what they wanted, and the unanimous decision was actual food but get snacks for later.

"Perfect, I'll just pull over at one of the big ones, with, like, a drive through McDonalds and a convenience store," Ash said, looking quickly over at the sat nav. Everyone nodded in agreement, and within the next ten minutes they were arguing over food instead of music.

"Look, if I just buy it on my card then everyone PayPals me the cost of whatever they got," Charlie interrupted loudly, annoyed with all the talking. Everyone complimented her on her amazing idea while Charlie was just wondering why she became friends with a bunch of people with spaghetti instead of brains.

They collected their food - a small feast - and decided to park the car and eat it outside. They parked close to the edge where less cars were and sat down in a circle in a parking spot, due to the lack of benches.

Everybody spread their food out around them and soon trading started going on, ("I'll trade you six fries for a sip of your milkshake," "Deal,"). Once everyone finished their meal, they decided to grab some snacks for the rest of the journey and run to the bathrooms. Ash and Aaron were told to keep a close eye on Percy and Annabeth so they wouldn't repeat a certain incident (see Chapter 25 for more details ;D) and the couple looked at the ground sheepishly.

Soon, everyone was piling back into the car with full stomachs and a much more relaxed demeanor than when they got out. Food was the solution to most problems, they had found out. There was also a bag of snacks, should anyone get hungry again, even after the meal they just ate.

Aaron was back on the music, but had actually put on some music everyone liked and given everybody a one song request. It seemed the quick break put him in a much better mood than before, and everyone in the car was grateful.

The second half of the drive seemed to pass relatively quickly compared to the first half, and was a lot more entertaining. They had a fairly long karaoke sesh, blasting the music and getting some looks they ignored from passing cars.

"Alright, the turn should be up here," Percy said, going from memory and a quick look at the sat nav. "Oh man, I haven't been here in ages, it was so much fun,"

"Well, this is going to be so much fun, I can already tell. I'm so glad Karl suggested this," Aaron said, and everyone voiced their agreement.

They turned a corner and Ash pulled into a small gravel area next to a cabin, then turned off the car. They all sat in silence for a second and Percy spoke up, "That looks like the one we booked. The one I used to go to is further along, but definitely wouldn't have fit all of us,"

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