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Percy was uncharacteristically twitchy for it being the end of the day on a Friday. Why was he like this you may ask? Well, it was because this very weekend, he was going to propose to Annabeth.

Despite all the assurances from friends and family when he told them what he was planning, Percy was still incredibly nervous. Multiple people had reiterated the same words of 'Percy, the two of you are practically married already, she would never say no!', but it didn't seem to help.

Percy had decided this particular weekend would be good for a few reasons, the main being he wasn't sure how long he could go hiding this from Annabeth. She could practically read his mind, and most certainly knew something was up. He knew if he didn't do it quickly, she would figure it out herself.

The second being he had wanted to do it at Camp Half-Blood, where they met, and this weekend was one where they were going to visit. It all lined up perfectly, so Percy decided to take the opportunity and run with it.

Most of his friends at Camp knew what he was planning, and most of them were coming down to  visit so they could celebrate after. Overall, it was going to be an awesome weekend. 

Percy had thought long and hard about whether he should include his mortal friends, but ultimately decided against it. This was mostly because his friends were also Annabeth's friends, so she should also get a choice in whether she wanted them to know.

Another driving factor was the fact that they probably would be incredibly confused on why Percy wanted to get married to Annabeth. They were young, not even 18, and the likelihood of Percy's friends understanding were slim. They had taken the couple living together in their stride with a few questions, but were always skeptical when they heard about future plans for far later in life.

This wasn't their fault at all, they had no clue of the circumstances Percy and Annabeth had found themselves in. They didn't know of the short life-span of demigods, or what the couple had been through together, and so Percy didn't want to put them in an uncomfortable position until he had to.

(Obviously when there was a wedding they would be invited, but he wanted to delay any awkwardness until it absolutely had to come up)

Sally and Paul were also aware of what Percy was planning and Sally was already finding time in her schedule to go wedding dress shopping with Annabeth, even though she hadn't said yes yet. Paul had also agreed to drive the both of them to Camp that weekend, rather than getting them to go with Argus.

Speaking of, they had just gone to their house to drop off their school things before they grabbed their camp bags and headed off. When Paul looked into the back he saw the two of them sharing headphones and listening to music, Annabeth curled into Percy as they looked out the window.

This was a perfect example of Paul genuinely not understanding why Percy was so nervous, Annabeth wasn't even looking out the window, she was just looking at Percy like he was the only thing in the whole world. How could someone that in love every say no?

Despite the friday traffic, they had made good time and got to Camp slightly before they usually would when in the van with Argus. Paul dropped them off just outside the boundaries and the couple waved until he was out of sight.

They walked back into camp, waving to various campers as they passed them. They went into the Big House to let Chiron know they had arrived, before venturing off to find their friends.

It seemed word of their arrival quickly spread around camp, as most of their friends found them before they could actually go anywhere.

"The lovebirds have arrived! All hail!" Leo shouted when he saw Percy and Annabeth walking towards him. Percy rolled his eyes and cuffed him round the ears, before pulling him into a side hug. "This feels like abuse Percy, I should probably go tell Chiron of how mean you are and that you should no longer be head councillor,"

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