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When the alarm went off the next morning, Percy was not ready to wake up. While this was pretty much an everyday occurrence, Percy thought it was particularly cruel to have to wake up this early, especially since he had not gone to sleep soon enough the night before.

He looked over to Annabeth, and saw her bury her head into the pillows. She was clearly also not ready to wake up. Gods, why was it a Monday?

Due to the awesome weekend he had just had, he felt like it should be a holiday. It was clear when they finally dragged themselves out of bed and down to breakfast that Sally and Paul thought the same.

The older couple looked just as exhausted as the younger couple, much to the amusement of the four of them. The night before, Percy and Annabeth had arrived just after dinner on Sunday, opting to spend as long as possible with their friends before they had to go home.

Because of this, Sally and Paul had stayed up for them eagerly waiting to see if their son had proposed or not. (Percy, still unused to having a phone, had forgotten it, and therefore had no way to tell his parents of the lovely new development)

As soon as the door opened, and Sally saw their smiles, she demanded to see their hands. Laughing, the newly engaged couple held out their hands, showing off their beautiful new rings to Percy's parents.

Sally immediately swept them into a crushing hug, which was slightly awkward considering her rather large baby bump. She had tears rolling down her face, evoking tears from Percy and then the whole family.

Paul couldn't be bothered to wait his turn for a hug, so just joined in the pile. They stood like that in the doorway for a good few minutes until they gathered themselves and went into the kitchen.

As always, a batch of blue cookies was warm and ready to be eaten (Sally must have some kind of sixth sense - to be fair, they are great for comfort and celebration). As Percy and Annabeth retold their weekend the cookies steadily dwindled down to the last few.

Paul and Sally were smiling proudly at the end of the tale, either because of the fact they managed to beat the Hunters (finally), or because Percy managed to propose without anything going wrong. Both had been unlikely to ever happen, but look where they were.

They had stayed downstairs for a while longer after just catching up. Sally announced that her book was nearly finished, and that she was looking for publishers which was exciting. The older couple also gave updates on Sally's pregnancy, having been to a doctor's appointment the day before.

Percy always perked up about news of his new sister, and Annabeth knew they wouldn't be having a wedding until his sister was born, so she asked again for the due date so she could start planning around that.

Finally, after a good twenty minutes of brainstorming names (definitely a result of two people with ADHD), Paul checked the time. He grimaced at the thought of having to wake up so soon and quickly sent everyone to bed. 

And that was where they were now, the four of them nearly asleep in their breakfast. Unfortunately, they weren't able to just skip school so Sally - having gone from getting one child up to school - was now telling two children and one adult to go brush their teeth and leave.

None out of the three were willing to risk disobeying her, and so despite their sleepiness were quickly shooed out of the house and into the car.

By the time they made it to school, they were thankfully a lot more woken up. Paul parked and they made their way into school, the couple waving goodbye to Paul as he walked into school while they waited for their friends.

As Percy and Annabeth came in with a teacher, they were usually the first of the friend group to arrive. They had decided to wait outside at the beginning of the year - just in case of a monster attack, less building got damaged when it was outside - and it had stuck, even as the weather got colder.

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