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TW: scars - I'll say when the description of them starts. Also implications of child abuse - fucking smelly gabe

Also I don't swim, never have done it competitively, i'm just guessing what happens

The boys walked out of the changing rooms and joined the rest of the team who were waiting on the side for Coach Hall. They didn't have to wait long, and after two more girls rushed out of their changing room, the group saw him emerge from his office with a clap.

"Alright guys, gals and non-binary pals! How are you muffins today?" He shouted loudly, voice echoing slightly around the large room. There was a chorus of "Good" and "Fine, Coach" as he walked up to them. 

"Good, good. Okay, if y'all jump in and do your normal warm up, I'll explain what's gonna happen when y'all are done. Good? Great, jump on in, go in whatever lane, I don't really care until we start properly,"

Percy looked up to Annabeth and waved when he saw that she was looking back at him. He winked at her then cannonball jumped in, making the splash larger with his powers, purposely spraying his friends. He resurfaced with a smirk on his face, and Annabeth shook her head fondly, laughing slightly as she went back to her work. 

Percy quickly ducked under the water as his friends jumped in while attempting to make a larger splash than Percy had. Unsurprisingly, they failed, and in the end Karl ended up dragging Ash into the water with him. 

He pushed off from the wall, starting with freestyle, and his friends followed soon after, going into the order they usually went to before Percy left. Percy was happy to be in the water again - he hadn't been swimming since he left camp because there was no pool near his house, and he missed it. 

He got back into the rhythm of swimming, the feeling of cool water rushing over his skin and energizing him, pushing and pulling the currents around him. It wasn't necessarily ocean water, but it was nice. Oop. Breath, Percy - Mortals don't know you can breath underwater.

After swimming a few laps he finished and sat on the side of the pool, waiting for everyone else to be done. His swim shirt stuck to his skin as he allowed himself to get wet, outlining his muscles and causing most of the girls and a few of the boys to swoon at the sight of him.

Annabeth was also looking at him, but not at his muscles - okay, maybe she was, but her boyfriend was hot! - at the fact he was kicking the water to make splashes, like a small child would. She smiled in amusement and went back to her work just as Coach Hall walked up to Percy with an exasperated expression on his face.

Now, Coach Hall was frankly rather exhausted. Last year, he had such a strong swim team, and even if one of his swimmers insisted on wearing some swim shirt, he didn't care! No - He did not care! He had just hit the jackpot on swimmers. Percy Jackson. No one really knew of him - he certainly had not been swimming at other schools - nothing to give him a reputation of being a good swimmer. 

And then Ash - Ash, an absolute legend! Good swimmer as well - had gotten him to try out. And, honestly, Coach Hall hadn't expected much from some random kid who showed up in a swim shirt, looking nervous but then - then this kid just smashes every single record. EVERY SINGLE RECORD. IN TRIALS. IN A SWIM SHIRT - THE AMOUNT OF FRICTION ON THOSE THINGS!

And so Coach was happy. He knew, with the new swim captain, they were gonna beat every single school out there. But then disaster struck! Percy disappeared. And so, they performed as they usually had, missing their one star swimmer. 

Coach was devastated. And now he was back, acting like nothing ever happened, like he had not just missed a whole swim season, like the team had come middle instead of first. And still in that God Forsaken swim shirt. Not any longer. Not if Coach Hall had something to say about it.

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