Chapter 20 - PTSD causing problems at school...

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⚠️⚠️TW⚠️⚠️ - There's a flashback in this chapter, of Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus . It  isn't graphic, but it mentions the things that they go through, and it describes a flashback from the other people's point of view. 

Monday morning was a slight shock to Percy and Annabeth's system as they forgot they were supposed to be going to school and weren't just visiting Sally and Paul like they had been before school. 

When the two of them walked downstairs sleepily with ten minutes until they were going to be leaving with Paul, Sally had ushered the couple back upstairs to change and made them toast that they could eat on the way to school.

As a result, Percy and Annabeth were the last of their friend group to arrive when they met everyone outside the school gates, still wiping the sleep from their eyes to get rid of the nightmares the couple had both unfortunately been plagued with that night.

"Hey guys," Percy greeted as they walked up to everyone.

"Hey, you two," Ash greeted in response. "You both look like shit,"

"Well, they put that very bluntly, didn't they!" Karl gave Ash a look out of the corner of his eye. Ash shrugged to say, 'it's true, look at them'.

"Nah it's okay, they're right. We got back late last night from our visit to family and we didn't sleep very well," Annabeth explained.

Everyone's eyebrows rose suggestively and Aaron exclaimed "OH, OKAY, TMI GUYS, TMI!", covering his ears in mock horror.

Percy and Annabeths faces scrunched up in disgust, "Eww, not like that you utter children! Get your heads out of the gutter!" Percy groaned, cheeks flaring up in embarrassment. "We both get really bad nightmares and have trouble falling asleep. They were like extra bad last night cause of change in scenery and we got some good but shocking news on the weekend,"

"Oh, okay. I don't know if that's better or worse, but I hope you guys sleep well tonight I guess?" Charlie responded. "What was the good news?"

"We lost contact with a cousin and thought he died or something but turned out he was okay, which was a massive shock." Annabeth looked at her watch, "Oh Styx guys, Percy and I were really late, we have like thirty seconds before the bell rings. See you guys in the next class!"

Annabeth grabbed Charlie and Aliyah and dragged them off with her to their form room, waving bye to Percy and his friends. They all rushed off equally as quickly to their own form room and they made it just in time for the bell to ring.


The entire grade had PE lessons together, which was great because it meant that their whole friend group could be on a team when they were doing team things or whatever. Their sports lessons changed every two to three weeks (They had done cross country - 90% of people hated that - and strength and conditioning - so that people knew how to safely use equipment in the gym). They had one more lesson left of cross country before it changed

After the PE lesson, Percy and Annabeth were much more relaxed, which didn't go unnoticed by their friends. They were all happy about that because the couple had been on edge all morning, jumping at the smallest noises and checking the exits every few minutes. Their friends had gotten used to the fact that the couple were never fully relaxed, but this heightened behaviour confused and worried them.

The next lesson was English with Mr Blofis, and while Percy hated english, he didn't mind these english lessons. The only people who didn't have Mr Blofis were Charlie and Ash, who were in a different class to the rest of the friend group.

Mr Blofis had taken pity on them in the seating chart and while Percy and Annabeth weren't sitting together, the majority of friends were. For example, Percy was sitting next to Karl and Aaron and Annabeth was sitting next to Aliyah. Unfortunately they were on opposite sides of the classroom, but it was as good as Paul could do without someone claiming favouritism. (There was definitely favouritism - Percy was his kid, but no one complained cause it was cute and he was the nicest teacher)

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