Chapter 42 - Wedding dress shopping!!

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The first thing Annabeth did the next day was pile into Paul's car along with Piper, Hazel and Sally. Somehow, they had managed to fit all the demigods into Percy and Annabeth's room, and they had had one massive sleepover.

After spending a few hours catching up there had been little time for actual sleep, so all the demigods in the car were still half asleep when they pulled up outside the wedding dress store.

"We're here, ladies," Sally said to them, loud enough to shock them into moving.

They stumbled out of the car, but upon seeing the dress store they seemed much more energised. Annabeth was practically vibrating with excitement and grabbed onto Piper's hand who matched her energy.

"Ready?" Sally asked fondly, looking at all three of them. Each of them nodded then practically raced to the store.

The group of demigods came to an abrupt halt however, when they saw a familiar figure standing in front of the entrance.

"Thalia?!" Annabeth shouted, before barreling into the other girl. "You made it!"

Thalia laughed and swung Annabeth around before setting her on the ground. "Yep! Lady Artemis let me have the day off - and she even took me here herself!"

Piper, Hazel and Annabeth looked surprised at this; few gods did anything for them without an ulterior motive. "Did she want anything?" Piper asked.

Thalia smirked, "Only an invite to the wedding! And that you introduce her to any of your daughters if you have kids, though she's promised to let them join of their free will,"

Annabeth's eyebrows raised far into her hairline. "Artemis? She wants an invite to our wedding? Artemis?"

Thalia shrugged, "That's what I thought - maybe it's her showing she's grateful for that holding up the sky business a few years ago. Or maybe she's just trying to secure some powerful hunters for the next few decades,"

"Greek gods are weird," Hazel muttered, and everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, but your Roman ones are just as strange," Thalia replied with a grin. With that, Sally arrived next to them after parking the car. She greeted Thalia with a hug before ushering all four of them into the store.

They walked up to the front desk and the man at the computer looked up at them. "Sally Jackson? Here for a wedding dress fitting?"

Sally nodded, squeezing Annabeth's shoulder in excitement. "Yep, I arranged a dress fitting session yesterday and I sent along her measurements. Sorry again for the late notice,"

"It's not a problem, we carry a range of dresses so we were able to find plenty in your daughters size," The man replied.

Sally opened her mouth to correct the man, glancing quickly at Annabeth. Annabeth however had a small smile on her face and seemed content to let him carry on.

Sally felt a warmth in her chest and closed her mouth, a twinkle in her eyes. She watched from the corner of her eye as Annabeth's smile grew, then resumed focus on what the guy was saying.

"We also looked at some of the reference photos you sent along in the email and have a few dresses set out that are similar that she might want to try," he continued, oblivious to the reactions he had caused.

"That sounds perfect, thank you so much," Sally replied, smiling widely at the man.

"My pleasure, I'll set you up on some couches and get one of our bridal stylists to help you," He got up from behind the desk, "If you'll just follow me,"

He led them to one of the gatherings of couches and chairs that were scattered around the room. They surrounded a stand and a couple mirrors, presumably where Annabeth would stand to show off her dress.

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