Chapter 27 - Spicy food :)

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Everyone had collectively agreed to wait half an hour before sneaking into the girls and Ash's room because they knew the teachers would be patrolling the corridors. They had already heard one of them screech at some other kids to be quiet and go to sleep.

The boys had decided to waste the time playing cards and were playing Uno on the floor. Percy and Aaron had teamed up to try and beat Karl (a master at card games) but they still seemed to be losing.

In the other room, everyone was moving all the furniture around so that it would be easier to sit together. Annabeth pushed the last bed into place against the others, the noise of the bed moving thankfully quiet enough to go unnoticed.

They had arranged it so that the beds were surrounding a bedside table, which was piled high with food and drinks and various card games thrown across it. Once they finished setting up the room, everyone changed into their PJs.

"Hey, Aliyah, can you pass me my hoodie?" Annabeth asked as she walked out of the bathroom, stepping aside for Aliyah to go in next.

"Yeah, sure," Charlie replied, picking it up off a bed and turning to hand it to Annabeth. "Here you go -" she trailed off abruptly, eyes scanning down Annabeth's exposed skin. Annabeth's PJs were pretty much shorts and a tight fitting tank top. "...Wow,"

"Christ, Annabeth, you're ripped," Ash said, looking her up and down. "If you weren't straight and you were single..." they trailed off suggestively.

Annabeth laughed, taking the hoodie from Ash. "Who said I don't swing that way?" She replied with a wink, sending Ash into what looked like cardiac arrest. Aliyah  walked out the bathroom and took in the situation with a snort of laughter.

"Oh my god," Aliyah said. "I think you've killed them,"

"I think I just died, that was so hot," Ash agreed.

Annabeth smirked and pulled the hoodie over her head, nose scrunching in slight confusion when it was out of view. Her friends had either seen her scars and been polite enough to not bring it up, or the Mist was working extra well and they hadn't hung out enough yet for them to see through it. Not like Annabeth was complaining though, the less questions, the lies to be accidentally caught out on.

It was still too early for the boys to sneak into their room, so they grabbed a pack of cards and Ash taught everyone how to play Cheat. By the time they heard soft knocking on the window, Annabeth had won an embarrassing amount of times, with the other three teaming up to try and take her down.

"Perce, I recommend never playing poker against your girlfriend, you'd lose all your money," Aliyah said as a greeting when she opened the window for the boys to climb through.

"Trust me, I know, the only people who can level her skills are the Stolls and a few of Will's siblings who have like, internal lie detectors," Percy replied, gracefully landing into the room, unlike Karl who fell through moments later.

"How the fuck did you manage to do that gracefully?" Karl groaned as he stood up, turning to give Aaron a hand so he didn't fall.

"Because I'm amazing, that's how," Percy said with a smirk. Everyone rolled their eyes and Percy just smirked again before claiming the spot next to Annabeth.


"Guys look, the lovebirds are asleep," Ash whispered, well past two in the morning. Most of the food had been eaten and everyone had spent the night talking and playing games. Once everyone had gotten tired they had grabbed Aliyah's computer and watched a movie, one that Percy and Annabeth had quickly nodded off in.

"Should we wake them up?" Charlie asked. "The boys have to go back to their room at some point,"

Aaron snorted, "Are you nominating yourself to wake them up? 'Cause I sure as hell am not, remember what happened when he was tired?"

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