Chapter 37 - REVEALING THE PROPOSAL TO GOODE (and a run in with Luis and Stacy)

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Annabeth was rather liking the way people would look at the ring on her hand with confused looks. It was like they thought she didn't know exactly what it meant, especially when her other fingers were starkly bare in contrast.

The range of people staring was also making Annabeth smirk. Even teachers were getting their fair share of ogling, especially when they put the pieces together after looking at Percy's hand.

All in all, the whole school was shook by the rumours of Percy and Annabeth's engagement. Afterall, the only people who they had confirmed it to were their friends, everyone one else was just speculating.

Annabeth had wanted to see how long it took someone to gather the courage to actually ask them whether they were engaged or not, so both of them were just ignoring the sparkling rings, much to everyone's annoyance.

One of the best parts was seeing a teacher make the connection then start doing the register. This was because when getting to Annabeth's name, they would stumble slightly in reading out her last name, as though they didn't know what to call her. Their faces were priceless, and the couple knew that would be joke material for months after.

It was getting quite far into the school day and still no one had said anything. Annabeth was quite surprised as usually people were always trying to nose into Percy's personal life, especially because so little was known about him.

Annabeth and Percy walked into the last lesson until lunch: English. English, while a subject neither of them actually liked, they didn't mind it because Paul would always make the lessons entertaining. However, it seemed they had a cover and it was one of the teachers who did not like Annabeth or Percy.

The reason this particular teacher didn't like them was actually rather entertaining from an outside perspective. Annabeth and Percy had been walking between classes one day, as usual, when shocker, a monster decided to come and go nom nom. The monster failed, but in trying to dispel it, the couple had to run into an empty science lab.

Unfortunately, in the fight several chemicals collided and caused reactions, and Percy cut off the faucet to a gas pump. Simply put, it looked like the room got blown up and it was a miracle that the structural integrity of the building was still intact.

They quickly cleaned themselves up after the fight but there was nothing they could do for the room. So they did the obvious thing, which was to leave the scene of the 'crime' as fast as they could.

Apparently, Ms Mason had seen them deck it out of the lab and, nosy as she is, went to see what they were doing in the lab. Percy and Annabeth were already long gone and in class by the time she had properly realised what had happened (The mist works hard but Ms Mason works harder).

And Ms Mason did have good reason, that classroom definitely needed to be checked out and cleaned to make sure none of the chemicals were releasing poisonous gases. However, after jumping to the conclusion that Percy and Annabeth had purposely tried to blow up a classroom, neither of the couple liked her.

Percy and Annabeth were called to the principal's office after being accused, and Ms Mason tried to have them expelled. However, something was conveniently blocking the cameras on the floor that they were on and there were several eyewitnesses saying they had actually seen the couple at the other end of school at the same time they were 'vandalising school property'.

In the end, Ms Mason looked like a fool but was stubborn enough to not give up her story. And all it resulted in was a nice update for that one lab and a lifelong hatred of Percy and Annabeth from a random highschool teacher.

Ms Mason would watch them like a hawk for anything that she could tell them off about now. She once even pulled out a ruler to measure the length of Annabeth's shorts and told Percy off for wearing nail polish, even though both were clearly abiding by the school rules.

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