Chapter 30 - Beach Trip!

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"Well," Charlie said into the silence of their lunch table, and most of the cafeteria. Everybody was processing what happened, and the scene was almost exactly akin to when Stacy attempted to get with Percy. "That was interesting to witness,"

"Very entertaining," Ash added, taking a bite of their sandwich. "And hopefully, he has enough brain cells to learn from his mistakes, although I'm not opposed to seeing someone beat him up every now and again,"

"I'd happily do it again," Annabeth said, cracking her knuckles. "It was a lot of fun,"

"Nope! Next time he gets beat up, I get to do it! I was so wishing to punch him in the face," Percy announced, looking sadly back to the cafeteria doors. Luis was no longer on the floor, but he wasn't in the cafeteria, so he was probably somewhere else in the school trying to avoid people.

"Are we going to have to make a rota? Be like - Hey guys, it's Percy this week sorry! You can sign up to go in three weeks though!" Karl said, mimicking the voice of a teacher in the second half.

"Now that would be entertaining," Aliyah smirked. "I do think it'll take him a while to act up again, it looked like his ego took the biggest blow. With men, that usually takes the longest to recover,"

"I cannot spot any lies in that sentence," Aaron agreed.

"But besides the fragility of men's egos, I have something to suggest," Karl but in. "Wow, that sounded extremely posh, but moving on,"

"What would you so like to suggest, Sir Karl?" Charlie mocked, making everyone chuckle before they returned to the question Karl was about to ask.

"Well, we don't have any exams after Friday, so effectively we have the weekend off. Do you guys wanna go down to the beach or something? The weather is supposed to be nice," He said.

Everyone at the table considered it. It honestly sounded like a lot of fun, and a nice way to relax after a week of exams. Percy could also probably ask if they wanted to rent that cabin in Montauk that he and his mom usually did.

"That sounds super nice actually,"

"Yeah my parents suggested doing something like that cause my sister went camping with her friends recently. I thought the beach would be nice," Karl replied.

"Me and my mom used to go to Montauk sometimes over summer, and rent a cabin. I could ask her to book that if you want and we could stay from Friday to Sunday," Percy suggested, reaching over to grab a piece of food from Annabeth's plate.

"That would be great, I didn't put enough thought into it to actually look at places," Karl said. "That is, if everyone wants to stay overnight, it can just be a day trip if you guys want,"

Everyone assured him that they were all happy to do an overnighter, they would just need permission from their parents. Percy and Annabeth would have to be very persuasive, but Montauk was close enough to camp that it was likely no monsters would be around.

"How would we get there though? None of us have driving licences," Aliyah asked, raising a valid point.

"Well, I actually did my test last weekend and passed," Ash announced. Everyone looked at them in shock. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell us you were learning to drive, Ash?!"

"I told you guys I was having lessons ages ago!" They defended. "I also wanted to pull up to school in a car and surprise you guys one time, though, so that's probably why you haven't had updates,"

"Okay, that's a fair reason because showing up to school with a car would have been super cool," Aliyah said. "Do you have a car then?"

"No, but I can probably ask to borrow my parents car, it's what I've been learning in. It might be a squished journey, cause we have a five seater and there are seven of us, but whatever," Ash suggested.

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