Nathan Meets Pluto

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This chapter picks up at the part of the episode where they're opening the time capsule.

"We did not drive all the way to Philadelphia, dig up someones yard, and then drive all the way back  to New York to not see them open this time capsule," Nathan tells Riley and Maya.

"I knew you were my son," Cory says, sounding proud, before ripping the box open. "There it is."

Topanga smiles, "It's the jean jacket. I wore this the first time we said 'I love you'. And it still fits."

"Time has been good to you, Topanga," Cory says taking his wife's hand.

"Time has been good to us all."

"And that's  how you do a time capsule," Nathan leans back in shock as his father yells at him and the girls.

Nathan rolls his eyes. He didn't even  know what he wanted to put in the time capsule and Maya didn't want to put anything in at all. So really his dad should only be yelling at Riley.

"'Dear Cory," Nathan looks over as his dad begins to read. "if you would let it happen, I think you and I could have a future.'". Topanga, what's wrong with this? This is great."

"It's not from her," Shawn says and Cory screams, tossing the letter on the table in front of them and Topanga picks it up.

"It's from Lauren," she says.

"Who's Lauren," Riley questions.

"Well, before we got married, your father met a girl at a ski lodge and she really liked him."

"Is this why we never go skiing?"

"Knowing our family," Nathan replies. "yeah."

"Why would you do this, Topanga," Cory asks, feeling betrayed. " I...I buried a symbol of our love."

"Cory, I was threatened by this because I was young. The jean jacket was the first time we said "I love you". But I almost let this little piece of paper hurt us because I was young. You always knew, but I didn't understand that our love will last forever and that nothing could hurt it. I buried this because I hoped that when we opened it, I would be next to you and that I could go like this."

"Nice job, Mom," Nathan cheers as his mother rips the letter from the other girl into tiny pieces and then tosses them in the open box. "Uncle Shawn your turn."

"Alright, here goes. Shakespeare's sonnets. Vivaldi's four seasons, a Van Damme movie ticket and lip gloss."

"What flavor," Riley asks and Nathan looks at her strangely.

"Kiwi Mango," Shawn replies without even looking at it and Riley takes it from him.

"He's right."

"Course I'm right," Shawn scoffs. " You think I don't know the lip gloss that the love of my life used."

"If you loved her," Maya starts. "what happened."

Shawn looks down at the items in his hand, "I let her go."

"A stupid decision," Cory says shaking his head. "All you had to do was ask her to stay. And she would've."

"So she could grow to resent me in the future? No way. I did what I thought was right and I stand by my decision."

"Cory, Shawn made the right decision."

"Topanga how could you say that?"

Topanga rolls her eyes, "Angela was my best friend, you think I don't know how she'd feel? Shawn letting her go was the best move he could've made."

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