Nathan Meets Home for the Holidays pt.1

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Okay y'all. It's part one of the episode i think we've all been waiting for a while now. I'm so proud of this you have no idea how many times I wanted to break schedule just to post both parts,but I held through. Let me know what your thoughts were

There's nothing like decorating the Christmas tree with the family. This is the first time Nathan's parents are hosting the holidays and his mom has been in a panic all month.

"This is our first year hosting the holidays. Is your mom gonna go easy on me?"

'There's the panic.'

"I'm sure everything will be okay, Mom," Nathan tells her. "But is it alright if I come out to them while they're here?"

"That's not something you need my permission for, Nathan. Right, Cory?"

"Your mother's right. Although if you do come out it might take away from how hideous this dinner is going to be."

"It can't be hideous. This is Maya's first time here and I need the holiday to go good for her," Riley tells them.

Maya's mom was working an extra shift at the diner so Maya was given permission to spend the holidays and then the night at their house.

"Well," their dad counters. "I need the holiday to go good for you mother!"

"Liar," she exclaims pointing a finger at her husband and he confirms that he was indeed lying.

"I need the holidays to go good for Shawn," then he yells excitedly. "Shawn's coming."

Nathan's not sure why his dad is so excited to see his Uncle Shawn. They just saw him last month. Or Nathan did at least.

When the doorbell rings Cory runs to the speaker box, "Shawn?"

"It's Maya."

"Shawn," he asks again.

"Oh, what's the matter, your boyfriend's not here yet?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Cory says childishly.

"So what are we gonna do with this Cory and Shawn 4 Evah Ornament?"

"Oh, that goes right in front of the Cory And Topanga Wedding Ornament," Cory tells his wife. But Nathan notices that even though his dad says that he puts the two ornaments right beside each other.

"I don't believe he exist," Maya says as she walks in.

"He"s real Maya," Cory protests. "I've known the guy my whole life."

"You're fun to play with," she tells him pointing. "Riley, Nathan I got you guys a present."

Riley takes the envelope Maya hands her and reads, "A donation been made in your name to the Maya new winter coat fun."

"It's beautiful, Maya," Nathan tells her.

"I'm glad you like it. I never know what to get for people. Anyway, what's the deal on this mysterious uncle Shawn?"

"He's not mysterious, Maya. I talk to him all the time."

Riley frowns, "Whereas I don't see him a lot. I don't think he likes me."

"Riley," Nathan scolds.

"How could someone not like you? Nathan, how could someone not like her."

"Uncle Shawn loves her, Maya. Okay, Riles? He loves you."

"We'll see about that," Maya says adjusting her jacket. "Won't we?"

Only moments later the doorbell rings and Auggie runs to open it. Nathan watches with a smile as Auggie greets their grandparents and then goes to greet them as well.

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