Side note

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Sorry. I promise this is the last non chapter update you'll see until I post the next chapter. But I'm thinking long and hard about something that could happen in the story and I'd like y'alls opinion on it.

How do you feel about polyamory?

Do you hate it? Love it? Tolerable to the idea? Or do you not even know what that is?

Comment and let me know. I value your opinions. I'm trying to avoid a certain storyline as much as possible. I don't want to say In the story, but if the people involved will affect your opinion message me and I'll tell you.

I should clarify that I'm not talking about Nathan or any of the middle schoolers. The poly relationship would include consenting adults. Not children. Also keep in mind that if you say you don't like it. I'm likely to ask why. Just be prepared for that. I'd like an actual answer.

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