Nathan Meets Father pt.2

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I don't know how sensitive you guys are, but if the answer is super sensitive, you might want to have some Kleenex at the ready. I think you'll be okay without them though.

Nathan raises an eyebrow at his dad as he addresses everyone by their last name.

At least until Riley comes in, "You."

So things did not go well last night. Great.

"Well, guys. I've got your test results on Darwin to give back to you, and uh, I'm pleased to see some of you have "evolved" since the last quiz."

Nathan shakes his head as Farkle gives his dad a pity laugh.

"Thanks, Farkle."

"Well, you were drowning, sir."

"Ms. Hart," Nathan waits in anticipation as his dad starts to hand the test back, "Mr. Friar. Nice work."

"Thank you, sir."

"Mr. Matthews. Mr.Farkle."

Farkle turns behind in his desk, "A?"


"Huzzah." Farkle reaches in his desk and pulls out two noisemakers and hands one to Nathan.

"Mr. Friar, I took particular note of your position that evolution does not preclude the existence of... How did you put it?"

"A guiding hand that has your best interest at heart."

"Wow, that's deep." Nathan says to Lucas.

"You think so."

Nathan is about to respond, but he is immediately when he see Maya raise her hand. The last time that happened Maya had the floor she set the sprinklers off and ruined his homework.

"Yes, Ms.Hart."

Nathan braces himself.

"You failed me."

Wait a minute.

"Why don't we talk about this after class."

"What's there to talk about? You failed me. You think I'm a failure. There's nothing more for you to teach me." The class watches in silence as Maya makes her way to walk out of class.

"Oh, come on, both of you gotta say that?" Cory questions. "Maya! You do not walk out of this class."

As Maya leaves the class anyway Nathan leans over to Lucas, "I don't think tonight is a good time for you guys to come over."

"Really, why?" Lucas asks.

Nathan watches as Riley leaves the class after Maya, "That's why. My parents seem to think is Riley's sister. It's kind of unprofessional on my dad's part, but whatever. If Dad gave Maya an F my family is going to be dealing with this for a while."

"But what about your uncle?" Farkle questioned.

"Yeah, don't you want to know what he said?"

Nathan bites his lip, "I can wait for a while longer."

"How about Friday?"

"Farkle, Friday is the day of the dance."

Farkle nods sheepishly, "I know, but it's more important that we find out what your uncle texted you. So I'm willing to skip out on the dance if it means we can help you get rid of your stress."

"I won't go either," Lucas states.

"Are you guys sure. Farkle this is our first dance. I don't want you miss it just for me."

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