Nathan Meets Sneak Attack pt.2

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Warning: this chapter contains swearing

John Quincy Adams hallway

After the Boop incident Riley was hiding out in her locker. Maya, Farkle and Nathan were trying to get her come out, but she wouldn't budge. Of course Missy Bradford had to walk up and ruin everything with her big mouth.

"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you. You're not upset with me, are you? Because I didn't hear that you and Lucas were together or anything."

If Nathan were a douche bag he'd slap the pink right off of Missy. Yes, he thinks his sister needs to back off and give Lucas some space, but that doesn't mean that Missy gets to talk to Riley any kind of way. No one treats his siblings like they are less than.

"We're not."

"Hmm, yeah, that's what I thought. So if you're not, then it's not a problem if I ask Lucas out, because he's really cute. Don't you think?"

You know what? To hell with it. Nobody talks like that to his sister except for him, and Maya.

"Missy can you do all of us a favor and fuck off."

"Excuse me?"

"Pretty sure you heard me. Fuck. Off. That hideous pink sweater of yours is burning my retinas?" Sometimes it feels good to be a bitch.

"Who do you think you are Matthews?"

It's times like this where Nathan almost forgets how to be a nice person. And since he has conveniently forgotten how to be a nice person he knows just how to make Missy Bradford  feel like garbage, "I think I'm cheerleader Bradford. Are you a cheerleader?"

He interrupts her before she can say anything, "No, you aren't. It's kind of sad really. You think you're really popular so you try and walk all over, and take advantage of, people like my sister and our friends."

Nathan walks closer to Missy so that they are practically sharing the same air.

"But I want you to remember something. You can try and climb that social ladder by being a bitch all you want, but you will never reach cheerleader popular. And it's because you're a horrible person."

Missy storms off and for a moment Nathan feels great. Until he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"That would be my dad wouldn't it?" Nathan asks Farkle with a cringe.

"How ya doin'?" Nathan's father asks.

"I think I would be a lot better if I could get some food in me. Come on Farkle let's go see what Ms.Thompson is serving for lunch today." Nathan moves to walk to the cafeteria, but his father grips his shoulder to stop him.

"Nice try Nathan. But you and I have to have a talk. Step into my classroom."

Dejected Nathan does as his father tells him and goes to sit on his desk.

"I'm assuming that I'm in trouble."

"Well, let's see first. Why don't you tell me why you think that you're trouble and then we'll move on from there."

"You know, Uncle Shawn says that if they don't know for sure what you did then you can always deny. I think I'm going to go with that and tell you that I don't know what you're talking about."

Cory laughs, "Yeah, that sounds like something my Shawnie would say. But that doesn't sound like something my son would say. And neither did what you said to Missy Bradford."

"Okay sure, but Dad-" Nathan tries to object.

"No, buts. When your mother and I let you try out for the cheerleading squad you told us that it wouldn't change your attitude. In fact you promised us that it wouldn't. So why don't you tell me why I heard you basically dissing Miss. Bradford because she isn't a cheerleader."

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