Nathan Meets Sneak Attack pt.1

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When Nathan woke up the next morning he couldn't figure out why his face felt weird.  

He looked in the mirror while brushing his teeth and almost choked on his tooth paste.

"DAD! Come quick."

Maybe that was a bit dramatic. 

His dad came into the room out of breath and worried.

"What's wrong Nathan?"

"Look at my face Dad! Look at it."

His dad leans in close and squints his eyes. "I don't see anything."


Cory looks at him close for another moment. "Is this like those times when your Mom asks me how she looks, but the answer is always 'you look great, Honey.' look great , son."

Nathan narrows his eyes at his father. "First of all Dad,  I always look great. Second of all if you just looked closer  you could see that in just one one night I've started to grow facial hair."

Cory looks skeptical, but doesn't want to offend his son so he just nods. Nathan seeing the look in his dad's eyes grabs his hands and puts them on his face.

"Well would you look at that. You're growing a beard."

"Really. I had no idea. Does this mean I can shave now. Because there is no way I'm going to school with my face feeling like this."

"Yeah, okay. Come with me and we'll get you set up with a razor and some shaving cream."

"Can I shave too."

They turn towards the door so see Auggie standing there with a hopeful expression on his face.


"Sure Augster," Nathan interrupts their dad before he can crush Auggie's spirits. "But first Dad needs to give me a tutorial so I don't cut my face. Then you can shave with him."

Auggie does a little cheer and the three Matthews boys leave Nathan's bathroom and go into the Master Bathroom.

Matthews' kitchen

Nathan sits at the kitchen table waiting for his dad and little brother to make their entrance. 

"Hey, honey, what's for breakfast?" In comes his father with shaving cream on his face and a robe that he wasn't wearing when Nathan was learning to shave.

" Hey, honey, what's for breakfast?" Right behind him is Auggie with shaving cream on his face and in a matching robe. How cute.

"Aw, look Nathan. Auggie's trying to be Daddy's little man."

Nathan discretely pulls out his phone and starts recording. From the Auggie tells their mother to 'give Papa a smooch' right to the end where his dad and Auggie rub their faces on Mom's face.

He watches as they shake hands and then clean their faces.

The intercom buzzes and first Maya and then Farkle announce their presence. After that Riley comes in talking about how much she just loves life which seems incredibly random, but whatever.

He puts his bowl in the sink and grabs his backpack. "Farkle and I are going now."

"So soon? The two of you usually play at least one round of Mario Kart before you leave. What's the rush?"

"We're giving Lucas a ride so we have go to his house too." Nathan pulls out his phone, "Which reminds me. He needs to text me his address."

Riley looks stunned. "You have his number? Maya why does Nathan have Lucas's number and I don't."

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