Nathan Meets Interlude #1

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Nathan wakes up to the feeling of something poking his cheek. Shifting onto his back he lets out a groan.

"Are you awake now, Nathan?"

"Yeah, Augster. 'm awake."

Nathan shifts into a sitting position and barely has time to adjust before his little brother launches into his arms.

"What's the matter, brother-bear?

Auggie doesn't answer. Instead he pushes closer to his big brother and tightens his arms around Nathan's neck.

"Was it a nightmare?"

Again there is no answer.

"Okay...How about we go pay a visit to Mommy and Daddy, yeah?"

Nathan carefully gets off of his bed with Auggie in his arms. He walks to his parents bedroom door and knocks softly one hand holding Auggie.

"What's going on boys? Nathan, why are you out of bed?"

"Auggie woke me up. I don't know what's wrong though."

Cory tries to take Auggie from Nathan, but Auggie refuses to let go.

"Auggie, honey. You have to let go."

Nathan holds onto a sigh. He doesn't want Auggie to think he's being a bother. But Nathan is tired.

"Dad maybe we should just come in. Auggie refuses to let go and it's the middle of the night. I don't know what to do."

"That's a good idea. Auggie do you want to sleep with me and Mommy."

This makes Auggie pick up his head and Nathan is shocked to see tears running down his little brothers face.

"Riley too?" Auggie asks in a small voice.

"Sure, bud. You and your brother go get situated in bed and I'll go get your sister."

Nathan puts Auggie down and Auggie drags Nathan into the bedroom.

"Auggie are you going to tell me what's wrong now?"

Auggie shakes his head, "Sh. You'll wake up Mommy."

"Too late. What's going on boys?"

"I wish I knew." Nathan says with a shrug.

"Are we having a family sleepover?" Riley asks as her dad leads her into the room.

"I don't know Riley. Cory? What's happening?"

Cory shakes his head, "Don't ask me. I never know what's going on."

"Auggie, what's the matter, brother?" Nathan asks.

"I just want us all to sleep together."

"Okay. But why?"

"So we can watch you." Auggie replies determinedly.

"Why do we need to watch Nathan? He's better right?" Riley asks. She turns to Nathan. "You're better right?"

Nathan exchanges a look with his parents. A look that does not go unnoticed by Riley.

"What is that look about? You told me you were better."

"I am better, Riley. You know that. Auggie did you have a nightmare about me not being okay?"

Auggie nods looking at his lap, "I kept calling out for you, but you wouldn't come."

He looks up tears once again in his eyes, "You weren't there, Nathan."

"Oh, Auggie." Nathan pulls Auggie into his arms and after hesitating for a moment he pulls Riley into his arms too. "I'm okay. And I'm always going to be there for you. Just like Mom and Dad. Right?"

Topanga smiles at her son, "That's right."

"That's one thing none of you never have to worry about." Cory says.

"Are we sleeping in here?" Riley asks with a yawn.

"Can we? Auggie is asleep again and it would be a shame to wake him up."

Nathan's parents look at Auggie to indeed seem sleeping on his big brother. A tight grip locked onto Nathan's shirt.

"I guess we are having a family sleepover. Make yourselves comfortable kids."

Carefully, so as not to jostle Auggie, Nathan lays down on his side. Riley lays so she is facing Nathan. And Cory and Topanga lay on the outside with their arms stretched over their children and their fingers linked together.

Here's a little present that I decided to write spur of the moment. Comment and tell your thoughts. I love seeing notifications from you guys.

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