Riley Meets Smackle pt. 2

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"Thanks for the ice cream." Farkle said as he stood outside of the parlor with Lucas and Nathan. "Do you guys need a ride home?"

Nathan shakes his head, "No thanks.  My apartment is only a few blocks away. It's a nice day out, I think I'll walk."

"Alright. Lucas would you like a ride?"

"That's alright. I'll walk with Nat."

"Your houses are in two different directions," Farkle says with a smirk.

Nathan and Farkle laugh as Lucas stutters out a response about wanting to ride the subway again.

"Oh yeah. The subways why you want to walk with Nathan. Don't forget who the genius is here."

With a promise to text both of his friends later Farkle leaves and then it's just Nathan and Lucas.

"The subway. Really? You could have just said you wanted to walk with me."

"I panicked."

"Why? It's just Farkle. He's your friend."

"Yeah. But I wanted to get your opinion on something."

"Okay," Nathan says curiously. "What's on your mind?"

"Our schools debate team. More specifically me on the debate team."

"You want to be on the debate team?"



"That's it?"

Nathan shrugs, "Yep."

"Really? You're not going to tell me whether or not you think I should do it?"

"Lucas I'm not Riley," Nathan says with a sigh. "I know you been hanging out with Riley and Maya when I've been busy and I think you're getting us mixed up."

"No I'm not. I know who you are, Nat."

"Lucas if you want to try to out for debate then do it. I'm not going to stand between what makes you happy."

"Is that your backwards way of saying you don't think I should try out."


"No. That's my way of saying do what makes you happy. If you remember I told you a few days ago that I avoid conversations about the debate team with both Farkle and Isadora. Since you're going out for the team I can't talk to you about debate either."

"Oh. I didn't think about it like that."


The two walk in silence the rest of the way to Nathan's apartment. Nathan too annoyed with Lucas and himself to say anything. And Lucas too busy stealing glances at Nathan when he's not looking.

When they get to the apartment building they pause for a moment.

"So. I'll see you later?"


As Lucas walks Nathan mentally kicks himself for what he's about to do.

"Lucas wait," he calls out.

When Lucas turns around Nathan grabs his wrist and pulls him into the alley between his building and the one next to it.

"What's wrong, Nat?"

Nathan doesn't answer. Instead he opens his arms and wraps them around Lucas.

Lucas, shocked, quickly wraps his arms around Nathan as well and buried his face in his neck.

Nathan Meets World | Lucas FriarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon