Nathan Meets Maya's Birthday pt.1

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This episode is originally Girl Meets Master Plan. But I hate everything about that episode so I changed it. This is one of the biggest changes I've made and plan on making to the series. There's also more talk about what happened to Nathan. And just as a general announcement you won't find out what's wrong and what the medication is for until season 2.

Nathan lays on Riley's bed as they wait for Maya to come in through the bay window.

"What did you get Maya for her birthday," Riley asks.

"I'm not telling you."

Riley pouts, "Why not?"

"Because the last time I told what I got for someone you blurted it out as soon as they came into the room."

"That was years ago," Riley says waving her hand. "I've matured since then."

"It was Mom's Christmas present," Nathan states with a blank face. "And no you haven't."

Thankfully, Maya comes in before Riley can think of a counter argument.

"Happy 14, Maya," Riley exclaims. "How's 14? Tell me what it's like to be 14, but don't leave anything out."

"So far it's a lot of work."

"Because you know I'll be there soon," Riley continues as if Maya hadn't spoke. "and I want to know what I have to look forward to."

"Well, if you're like me, you can look forward to your Mom forgetting your birthday."

Nathan sighs, "I'm going to stop you right there, Maya. Happy Birthday, here's your present. I'm leaving. Riley remember what we talked about last time?"

"Riley nods, "Mrs.Hart is a single mother doing her best and I shouldn't stick my nose where it doesn't belong."

Maya looks shocked at Riley's words. They must not have talked after the art exhibit. Oh, well. Not his problem.

"Maya if, for whatever reason, you feel the need to vent about your mother. Go right ahead, but I'm not going to listen to it and Riley isn't going to act rashly. She's going to sit there and listen to you vent and that's it."

At Riley's nod of agreement Nathan leaves the room and heads into the kitchen to fix himself a snack.

Only to stop in his tracks at the figure sitting on the couch playing video games.

"Uncle Shawn," Nathan says happily, tackling him on the sofa.

"Hey, Slugger."

"What are you doing here? And why didn't you tell me you were in town?"

"Well if I told you," Shawn says standing up. "It wouldn't have been much of a surprise."

The front door opens and Nathan is confused when Riley and Maya come through it. When did they leave?

"Are you really here," Riley questions excitedly.

"Yep, I'm here," Shawn replies pulling Riley into a hug.

"Hey, kid," Shawn says to Maya patting her shoulder.

"It's her birthday, Uncle Shawn. "

"Oh, yeah? Happy Birthday. You doing anything special?"

"This is it," Maya says gesturing.

"Honey, hide the cake before Maya gets here."

Ah. And here are the parents. Doing things they have no business doing and sticking their noses where they don't belong.

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