Nathan Meets Interlude #3

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Two chapters in one day because this is also short. So I skipped this episode because while I was watching it became clear to me that Riley and Maya had no idea who Smackle was. So this episode should have come before the debate one. Next up is the date episode. I'm definitely looking forward to that. I've also got something else coming either later today or tomorrow so be on the lookout for that.

"Thank you for attending the Buggie Awards with me, Nathaniel."

"Thank you for asking me Isadora. Shall I walk you home?"

Nathan and Isadora walk in a comfortable silence with the sound of their feet being the noise between them until they reach her house.

"Would you like to come in?"

Nathan checks his watch, "It's pretty late. I should head back home."

"This does not appear to be a suitable time to walk by yourself."

"I'm a strong boy," Nathan says flexing. "I'll be alright."

Isadora looks Nathan up and down before shaking her head, "You should stay the night. My father can drive you home in the morning."

"Would your parent's be alright with that?"

"I'm unsure as to what you are referring to."

"You having a boy spend the night."

"Your interest lies in the male and not female species, correct?"

"That's a different way of saying I'm gay," Nathan says laughing. "I'm definitely going to use that one day."

"You should inform your parents that they need not anticipate your arrival for the night," she says pulling Nathan inside. "Take a seat and call your parents while I have a talk with my own."

A tad bit confused Nathan pulls his phone out and calls his mom.

"You're late. Your sister was home hours ago."

"She also left as soon as she got there. And I was walking Isadora home."

Speak of the devil, "Here's a blanket and something of my fathers to sleep in."

"What's going on Nathan?"

"Isadora is insisting that I sleep over because of how late it is."

His mother sighs, "She has a point. Let me talk to one of her parents."

Nathan hands his phone to Isadora, "My mom wants to talk to one of your parents."

Isadora takes Nathan's phone and leaves him. While she's gone Nathan changes into the clothes she gave him. They're much to big for him, but they are comfortable.

"Here's your mother back," Isadora says coming back into the room.

"Can I stay?"

"You don't have your medicine with you."

"I'll be fine."

"You can't take any chances."


"This is a big deal, Nathaniel," she says cutting him off. "You know I have no problem with you staying the night with a friend, but I'd feel so much better if you had your medicine with you."

"So I can't stay? Because I already put on the clothes they gave me to sleep in."

"If you leave now to take the subway there's no telling what kind of people will be on it. No matter what I'll be taking a risk."

"So what's the plan?"

"You can stay, but first thing in the morning your dad will be there to pick you up."

"Sounds like a plan."

"I wish you would take this more serious."

"Why should take it serious when I have you and Dad and Uncle Shawn?"

"You should take it serious because it's your life."

Nathan sighs, "I'll see you in the morning mom."

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