The Secret of Life pt.1

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It's been a few days since Nathan's almost break-up with Lucas and since then thing seems to have calmed down. Maya and Riley seemed to have worked out whatever was going on with them and their friendship was currently stronger than ever.

Nathan and Farkle were okay, but to contrast Maya and Riley, the two of them would never be as strong as they once were.

"Thanks again for the other night, Nate," Farkle says for what must be the hundredth time as they walk into the school.

"What happened the other night?"

"He came to my house in the middle of the night and slept over," Nathan tells his boyfriend.

"Wait, why did you go over in the middle of the night," Lucas questions.

"It was a code purple," the two friends reply at the same time, which only furthers to confuse Lucas.

"What is that?"

"It's a code for when my parents are fighting too much and I need to leave."

"Do your parents argue a lot, Farkle?"

Farkle sighs, "Every week, but they make up on Thursdays cause my mom likes to show off her ring."

"How long have they been fighting like that?"

"Since they got engaged, I'm assuming," Farkle says plainly. "That's the ring she always throws at him anyway."

Lucas looks horrified at what he's hearing and it occurs to Nathan that his boyfriend might very well explode if he was told just how bad Farkle's home life actually is.

"Why are they still together then?"

"Because my mom told my dad that they're in love," Farkle says as he takes his seat.

Nathan cuts Lucas off before he can say anything else, "Drop it, Texas. Trust me. You haven't even heard the worst of it."

"How could it possibly get any worse?"

"Just trust me," Nathan whispers as the bell rings and Riley and Maya walk into class talking about Riley doesn't like change.

"All right," Cory says clapping to gain the attention of his class. "So should we actually learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?"

"No," Farkle exclaims.


"I always get my hopes up and then something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart. Well, this time I refuse to believe."

"In 1831," Cory begins.

"Yes? Wait," Farkle turns to Riley. "Anything going to suddenly happen to you?"

Riley shakes her head, "No changes, lovin' life."


"I'm content for now."


"Nothing ever happens to me."

Farkle questions Maya, but he gets a snore in response.

"Oh my gosh," Farkle says giddy. "This is it."

"In 1831... Belgium-" Just as Nathan is about to begin his notes the door slams open.

"What? Y'all started without me?"

"Get out," Farkle says furious.

"Someone in this room is going to be very surprised to see me."

"Is it me," Riley asks for some reason.

"Don't know, sugar, but could you get any cuter?"

Nathan gags, "Please don't hit on my little sister in front of me. Or at all."

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