Riley Meets Boy pt 2

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As Nathan and his family, sans Riley, were coloring to their hearts content Riley and the rest of her friends were walking into a place that they had never been before.

"What is this place?" Riley asked, wonder clear in her voice.

"This is where all the ancients stored all of their wisdom." Farkle answered.

While his three friends-well, Farkle was his friend. He wasn't quite sure what to call the girls yet.- were distracted by being in the library Lucas had walked over to a bookshelf. It was kind of sad really. The books were clearly lined with dust. It must have been quite some time since anyone picked one up. When he takes a book from the shelf he literally has to blow on the top of it to read the title.

"Hey guys, check this out. 'Tales Of Human Interaction'.

"We'll take it." Lucas has to suppress and a small curse in French as Maya comes and takes the book out of his hands.

"Come on, Farkle. Let's go do whatever it is you're supposed to do with this thing"

"You mean read?"

"That's what I said. Now move it along."

And just like that Lucas and Riley are alone.

Matthews Apartment:

"Dad!" Nathan exclaims.


"Didn't I tell you not to steal to my crayons? Didn't I tell him that Augster?"

"Yes you did." Auggie says with a serious nod.

"Exactly. So why is it that you're using my Vermilion when you have your very own Carmine right next to your left hand. Granted it's not as nice as my Vermilion, but still."

"Nathan. Son. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but these crayons are For you to name this is a little unique even for this family."

Nathan groans, "No, Dad. I did not name the crayons. Someone else did. And their family is probably makes a ton of money whenever the names are used."

"If you say so."

"I do say so. Also check out my picture." Nathan picks up his picture and gives his mom a pout. "Do you like it Mommy?"

"Aw. That is adorable. But you know it's your sister's turn to get something put on the fridge and I've got my fingers crossed that it'll be the assignment that your father gave today."

"Yeah. Riley could stand to learn a lot from this lesson." agrees Nathan.

"Speaking of my lesson. Don't you have your own assignment to be doing right now?"

"Actually, no. But if you want me to leave so badly..." Nathan stands and does a slow stretch.

"Don't go, Nathan. We're going to color all night long."

"Ohh no you're not. The two of you had school in the morning." Topanga stands and lifts Auggie into her arms. "Coloring was fun, but now it's time for bed. Let's go."

Nathan watches as his little brother lays his head on there mother's shoulder. Really, sometimes Auggie is just to cute.

"You heard your mother Nathaniel. Time for bed." Nathan looks over at his dad, who is trying to be stern, with a smirk on his face. Slowly so, Cory can see exactly what he is doing, Nathan raises his arms.

"Seriously?" His father questions.

In response Nathan keeps his arms, but fakes a yawn that gradually turns into a real one.

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