Nathan Meets Father pt.1

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This chapter actually doesn't have much from the original episode. It's about 2k word of original story, but i think it might make some readers very happy. Just saiyan 😜😜😜

Nathan, Farkle, and Lucas are standing outside of the school. The dance is this Friday and Farkle is nervous about asking both Riley and Maya.

"Farkle, do you really want to go to the dance with both of them?" Nathan asks.

"Of course I do."

"Really?" Lucas questioned. "Seems kind of complicated to me."

"Oh, sure. That's exactly what you want me to think. And then I ask Maya and you ask Riley and then I lose one of my future wives. Not happening cowboy." Farkle says all of this in one breath and has to breathe in deeply afterwards.

"Okay, Farkle. Calm down." Nathan says putting his hands on Farkle's shoulders.

"Yeah, you're psyching yourself out. You know I'm not into Riley like that. I'm not asking anyone to the dance. What about you, Nat?"

"What about me?"

"Are you asking anyone to the dance?"


"Nathan doesn't date." Farkle informs Lucas.

"Why not?"

"I made myself a promise a few years ago and I'm sticking to it."

"What kind of-"

"Can we get back to me please?" Farkle cuts off Lucas. "It's our first dance ever. I'd like to enjoy with it with my women."

"Wait. You guys have never been to a dance before?" Lucas asked.

"Nope. Dances are for junior high schoolers and up. No dance for us. Farkle why don't you just try to get one dance from both of them. They'll never agree to it, but maybe you can trick them."

"Trick them?"

"Sure. You're a genius and they're not."

"You're right. I am a genius. I can do this."

Nathan and Lucas watch as Farkle walks into the school with a determined stride.

"You guys have really never been to a dance before?" Lucas questions


"Hey, Nat?"

"Yes?" Nathan asks with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. It's been two weeks since Mr.Matthews gave us the assignment on communication and it feels like things have been a little tense between us."

"I haven't felt any tension." Nathan denies.

Although that may or not be true. Things have been a little weird between them and Nathan has certainly felt a bit awkward.

"Why didn't you call me back?"

Nathan cringes internally. "Does that matter. I saw you the next day."

"I was worried about you," Lucas says seriously.

"You seem to do a lot of worrying."

"Be serious, Nathan." Lucas snaps. "You disappeared halfway through the day and Farkle wouldn't tell me anything. I was worried sick about you."

Nathan diverts his eyes towards the ground. In the past few months that he has known Lucas he has never seen a look like that in his eyes.

"Nat...Hey. I'm sorry."

Nathan Meets World | Lucas FriarWhere stories live. Discover now