Nathan Meets Rules

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Lucas leans against the shelf of cleaning supplies. Lips locked with his boyfriends. Once they'd kissed the first it was like they never wanted to stop. Seeing each other first thing in the morning? Kiss. Going their separate ways for classes? Kiss. After school and they both have practice? Kiss. It was driving their friends mad.

No one would have ever guessed that Nathan would be one of those annoying couples obsessed with kissing his boyfriend. And yet here he is. In a janitors closet making out with his boyfriend when they should be heading to class.

"That was the bell," Nathan said pulling back.

Lucas leans forward, "One more for the road."

"Later," Nathan laughs pushing him away. "If we're late my dad will kill me. And then he'll kill you and then me again."

Nathan grabs his boyfriends hand and moves to open the door. Except the door opens before he can even put his hand on the knob.

There stands Janitor Harley. Hands over his eyes and pointing towards the hallway, "I don't want to know. Get out of my closet and go to class. I didn't see a thing."


"Alright where is your father," Lucas asks impatiently and Farkle begins to panic.

"Are we getting a sub? I don't want a sub. You never know where they've been."

"Farkle seriously?"

Sometimes Nathan wonders about his best friend.

"He's one minute late. Stop overreacting."

"You tell him Riles," Nathan says rolling his eyes.

"Well I don't see you helping."

"What if he never shows up? What if I never learn anything else? I'm going down, sir! Oh, he's not even here."

Quickly before Farkle can hit the floor Nathan catches him and sits him in his seat.

Maya as per usual takes this time to try and stage a rebellion.

"Matthews is out, Farkle is down, it's Maya time."

"Sit down, Hart. Can't you go one day without needing to cause anarchy."

Ignoring him as per usual Maya walks behind his father's desk.

"During Maya time, we open the confiscation drawer and take back all the stuff from the land of unfairly taken toys."

Nathan rolls his eyes as Maya begins tossing back the confiscated objects and of course it's not long before the entire class turns into chaos with Maya and Riley at the front. Screaming and yelling is all that can be heard until their dad comes into his classroom.

"When did you guys decide there are no rules in here? When did my generosity in allowing you express yourselves make you think you could turn my class into a zoo?"

The students excluding Lucas and Nathan apologize.

"Lucas. Why are you the only one here that didn't say i'm sorry?"

"I also didn't apolgozie," Nathan interjects.

"You're already grounded, you not doing anything was purely selfish. Lucas?"

"Because I never do anything."

"No. Because you respect the rules. Because you know without them, civilization becomes chaos. The rest of you are gonna spend the afternoon thinking about that, with the exception of Lucas the good."

Lucas cringes, "Oh, boy. Is that gonna stick?"

"I'm already making t-shirts," Maya says laughing.

"And I'm changing your contact name as we speak."

Lucas shakes his head at Nathan and walks up to their teacher, "You put me in a real bad position here sir. I gotta do something."

"You can fight this, Lucas."

"No, I can't, sir. Everyone's looking."

"Okay. Do what you gotta do."

Nathan and the class watch on as Lucas pulls out his phone and begins texting.

"Detention," Cory says as he reads the text he just received. "You too Nathaniel."

"What did I do," Nathan exclaims standing.

"Take your seat unless you'd like me to add two more weeks to your grounding for indecent behavior at school."

Nathan takes his seat grumbling as Lucas whispers, "Sorry, Darlin it was the only thing I could think of.


Detention is boring.

Especially after his dad walks out with a speech about how they'd behave in school for one hour with no rules. Although there was a brief moment where Nathan had to save Farkle from being eaten by Maya, Lucas, and Riley and that certainly made things more exciting. But of course Nathan's friends can't ever be normal so when after five minutes they started forming their own societies Nathan put his head down for a nap because apparently he was the only one that knew what detention was supposed to look like.

It's the sound of screaming that wakes Nathan up, "What's going on?"

He rubs his eyes and looks around just in time to see his sister being picked up by the group of "bad kids" and carried out of the room.

"They're taking her because we decided we need a good kid to chase around," Lucas says from behind him and Nathan totally does not jump, but if he did it was only because the sight of his boyfriend in all that get up shocked him. Not because he was scared.

"And why aren't you with them?"

"Well," Lucas begins with a smirk, pulling Nathan out of the classroom by the hand. "I figured if we were already kidnapping a classmate to chase around I might as well grab my best guy."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. What do you think of my makeup?"

"I think you look great, Lucas," Nathan whispers as Lucas leans in.

"You know around here they call me Mad Dog."

Nathan smiles, "Well maybe I need to change your contact name again."

The couple leans in for a kiss just for a wipe to be shoved in between their faces.

"Seriously, Riley?"

"Detention is almost over it's time to clean up. Unless you want Dad to catch the two of you 'being indecent' "


Detention ends shortly after everybody enters the classroom again.


Except for Maya. She gains another hour for being the ringleader behind the anarchy. And of course Riley stays behind with her for reasons unknown to Nathan other than the two of them being Riley and Maya.

Nathan would have stayed but considering he's grounded he decided not to push his luck by returning home later than he was supposed to.

I wanted to take a moment and thank everybody who is still reading and enjoying this story. From the readers who have been along for the ride from the very beginning to the new readers who have only just discovered Nathan's story. I started this story when I was 16 years old and here now at 22 I sometimes get embarrassed that I haven't finished yet, but it's been a crazy 6 years. From graduating high school in the middle of a pandemic to starting my dream job as a librarian at only 19. I've been through a lot behind the scenes and I'm not always as active of a writer as I used to be, but in addition to thanking y'all I also wanted to let you know that I'm going to give y'all an ending. I'm working on finishing writing season 2 and I'll publish those chapters a week at a time once I'm done. Consider this chapter a treat because I'm in such a good mood. I don't currently have many plans for season 3, but to be honest every plan I've made since starting this story has shifted in some way so who knows what will happen once I get to that point. Thanks for sticking around and I hope y'all enjoy what is to come.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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