Nathan Meets the Author

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Me: Hello to everyone reading this. Before you exit when you realize that this isn't an update-

Nathan: Do people actually do that. Wow.

Me: Do you mind, Nat. I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Nathan: Hey! Only Lucas calls me Nat. You can call me Nate like Farkle, or Nathan like everybody else.

Me: I made you, kiddo. I'll call you whatever I want.

Nathan: *pouts*

Me: But I've given you a pretty painful backstory-

Nathan: Yes you did. Are you even qualified to write about these topics. Are you a member of the lgbt+ community? Do you have to take medicine for the same reasons as me?

Me: Uhhhh. No to both- but! I'd like to think my readers know that can let me know if they find anything I write about offensive they can comment on it or message me privately. And my cousin takes your medicine which is where I got the idea from. Figured I'd give you something that I don't see very often if at all.

Nathan: You're kind of a comment whore did you know that.

Me: Nathaniel. You cannot use language like.

Nathan: I'll talk anyway I want to. You're not my mom or my dad or my Uncle Shawn.

Me: *deep breath* Can I please get back to why I'm writing this?

Nathan: Yeah, I don't know why you got off track like that in the first place.

Me: *glaring* Anyway. As you can probably tell Nathan and I are not agreeing very well at the moment.

Nathan: That's because you're being unreasonable. Besides why are you worried about him right now, when we still have to worry about how Mom and Dad will react. Plus there's Riley to think-

Me: Nathan, baby, I already figured out how Cory and Topanga will react. And Riley. And even your Grandparents and Uncle Eric. He's the only one left to really worry about.

Nathan: But he's my Uncle Josh. I mean, I know he's a lot closer with Riley, but do you really think making him be rude to me is a better option? How will Dad react when his baby brother is a douchebag? Have you thought about that? Huh?

Me: Nathan, you need to calm down. And now readers you can see what we need your help with. I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but Uriah Shelton(who plays Joshua Matthews) is a douche. Of the lowest kind and because I don't really know what words I can use in a story before it's marked as Mature, I won't call him what I really want.

Nathan: Okay, that's all well and good, but Uncle Josh is a nice guy. He cares about his family.

Me: I know that Nathan. And aside from that stupid Joshaya storyline I don't really have a problem with Josh.

Nathan: Good so I get my way and we don't have to- wait. What's wrong with Joshaya?

Me: Nathaniel Shaw Matthews. You had better not be a Joshaya shipper. I wrote you better than that. Josh is a college age student and the writers gave a him a middle school love interest. In no world is that okay. Ever.

Nathan: Wow. Someone's sensitive. But just for this whole ordeal, I'm going to ship Joshaya in the story so hard. The other ships don't even make sense. As much as I love Riley, I'll never be a Rucas shipper and Lucaya is freaking stupid. Lucas should have stayed single in the show. How hard is to pick a girl and stick with one. All Lucas ships are stupid. Joshaya for ever. Riley can have Farkle. Isadora can have Zay. And Lucas can find a nice boy or girl in Texas. And if it wasn't clear before. I think Joshaya is superior to all other ships except for Corpanga and Shawngela.

Me: Oh really. Well in that case. I don't think you're going to like me very much some future chapters.

Nathan: And why is that?

Me: I'm not telling. But I'll give you a hint. It starts with an A and rhymes with Langst.

Nathan: No. Angst is the worst. How could you do this to me.

Me: Without angst you won't grow as a character. You'll thank me for this later.

Nathan: I can assure you I won't.

Me: Nathan is pouting again. But the whole reason this is even happening is because I want you to vote on how Josh is written.

Nathan: Do you think my Uncle Josh should stay the precious family man that Michael Jacobs wrote him as?

Me: Or do you think that because Uriah Shelton is trash Josh should be trash too?I can go either way which is why I'm asking.

Nathan: You can vote anywhere you want to by commenting. Trust me when I say that she stops what she's doing, even if she's doing Trig and needs to pay attention, to read your comments. She's kind of pathetic.

Me: Nathan

Nathan: You know what they say about Payback. You're giving me angst so I'm being a hormonal teenager.

Me: That's not what they say about payback. Payback has nothing to do with being a bratty teenager

Nathan: No what they is that she's only a bitch if you are. And I can real be a bitch sometimes.

Me: Nathan. You can't talk like that.

Nathan: Didn't I already say that you're not one of the three adults that can tell me what to do? You're barely an adult.

Me: Can someone please comment and tell me the limit to curse words before a story is mature because this is getting out of hand.

Nathan: There you go again. Begging for comments.

Me: I really don't like this attitude of yours. But that's okay, like I said. You're not going to like me in future chapters.

Nathan: Which chapters?

Me: You'll see. Maybe next time you'll ask the person you're talking to about their ships before you start ship hating.

Nathan: Are you a Rucas shipper?

Me: I'll never tell. By the way if you want to vote more than once it has be a daily thing. Like if you vote today then you can't vote again until tomorrow. Voting is open until I write Nathan Meets Home for the Holidays. So it'll be open for a while.

Nathan: Are you a Lucaya shipper?

Me: Nathan. Give it a rest. I'm not going to tell you. I'm trying to end this chapter.

Nathan: She started to write the next chapter and if she's lazy today and doesn't do anything because she's not going to school. Then she might give you an update. Is that is?

Me: Uh. Yeah. Thanks, Nat.

Nathan: Don't call me Nat!!

Okay so I don't know if this is clear or not, but I'm asking you guys to vote on whether or not I write Josh as a douchebag or not. I honestly don't care about his character so I can go either way. You can vote by commenting your thoughts on the matter. And you can vote once a day.

I've have decided give you guys another option. Would it make people feel better if I just made up a character for to be the bad guy. Maybe a neighbor or a classmate or heck even a teacher.

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