The Tell-Tale Tot

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Nathan has no idea how he let himself be talked into this.

It's after ten at night and instead of resting in his bed and relaxing he's going to a college party with his little sister and her best friend.

Add in the fact that none of them are even close to being at the age appropriate for sneaking off to parties and they're in for the worlds biggest grounding.

But did Riley and Maya listen when Nathan tried to warn them about that? No. No they didn't. And while a part of Nathan wanted to just say whatever and let them go, he could not in good conscience allow them to wander the streets of New York unprotected.

But now here they are at the party and hiss uncle is nowhere in sight.

"Have I mentioned that this was an incredibly stupid idea yet?"

"Several times, Nate," Maya says rolling her eyes.

"Well just in case you forgot. This was incredibly stupid. And Uncle Josh isn't even here so now we've wasted our time and are going to be grounded for nothing. All because you're way too into a guy that's way too old for you."

"What's three years?"

"In the real world? Nothing. But you're in middle school and he's going to college," he grabs her shoulders. "Let him go Maya."

Maya looks away uncomfortable and Riley being Riley tries to cheer her up.

"What if we just hung out for a few minutes. Tried to fit in?"

"That's never gonna work. These are adults and we're children. Let's just go home."

"What if I just-" Riley looks around and the starts shouting out nonsense words. All of a sudden screaming can be heard and a group of football players come running down the hall.

Now Nathan can't be blamed for what happens next. In his experience when jocks are coming yelling in your direction, you get the hell out of their way. Without even thinking he runs into what he assumes is a supply closet and slams the door shut.

Maya and Riley will be missed, but someone has to live to tell the story.

"You alright, dude," a voice calls out behind him and Nathan turns around shocked.

"This is not a supply closet."


"Uncle Josh?" Nathan stares at his equally shocked uncle. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," Josh says moving to stand in front of him. "Do your parents know you're here? What am I saying of course they don't. Why are you here, you're supposed to be the good kid. Sneaking out isn't really your style."

"Maya wanted to come see you and then Riley decided to go with her. I wasn't letting them roam the streets by themselves."

"Yeah, that sounds more like you."

"Is this is a club? You ditched the party you were talking about earlier for a club?"

"Welcome to the PFLAG, kid. Your uncle is our newest member."

Nathan stares at the person in shock before looking at his uncle. "PFLAG? Like the club for gay people and their families?"

And yeah, looking around the room Nathan can clearly see that this is a club room designed to be as inclusive as possible. Flags adorn the walls, some Nathan has never even seen before. But he's sure they're no less valid than any other flag.

Josh scratches his neck in embarrassment, "I didn't have the best reaction when you came out. And I'm sorry about that. Sophie told me about this club during my tour and after our talk last year I signed up. Haven't missed a meeting yet."

"What about the party?"

"I was never going to the party. That was just a front. This is my first meeting as an official member since I got in. I guess I was a little embarrassed to mention it."

"You did that for me?"

"We're family, Nathan. And I'd do anything for my family."

"That's something you and I have in common then."

In this moment right here, Nathan has never felt closer to his Uncle.


Nathan and Riley did in fact end up grounded, but the biggest twist is so did Auggie. Who had apparently found out that they snuck out and didn't tell anyone.

He was given a shorter sentence then his older siblings.

Nathan actually ended up being grounded the longest. Three weeks.

According to his parents, as the oldest instead of going with Riley and Maya to protect he should have instead informed them so they could have prevented the entire night from happening.

But honestly? If he was given the chance to repeat the night over again, there's not a thing he would change.

Instead of immediately taking him and the girls home after he found them, Josh let them stay for the rest of the club meeting. It felt so good for Nathan to be able to talk to older LGBT people in a safe environment. The club president even offered him the chance to come back to some of their day time meetings if he comes with his uncle which he readily agreed to.

It wasn't much, but Nathan had never felt closer to his Uncle Josh then he had for those ten minutes he was sitting in that club room.

Surprise it's been at least a year since I updated this, but rest assured it has not been abandoned. I've got the rest of this season outlined and just need to find time to write the chapters. The next chapter should feature something I know all of y'all have been waiting on for a while.

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