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It had been a trying couple of days in the Matthew's household.

And even more trying in the classroom.

Nathan will admit that he was more than a bit surprised when his dad invited his Uncle Eric to come and try to appease the situation. Though, he's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

With his Uncle Eric being around this would be the prime time to come out to him.

It took him a while to muster up to courage to do it though.

One would think that coming out would easier after each time. But no.

Nathan is almost positive that isn't the case.

In fact, if someone were to ask him right this second as he's approaching his uncle with Lucas in tow Nathan would say that coming out gets harder with each person you tell.

"Uncle Eric," Nathan begins only to get cut off.

"Just a second pizza baby I've got a class to teach."

Taking a moment to reflect on how he's never going to be able get rid of that nickname Nathan powers on.

"Uncle Eric, this is my boyfriend Lucas."

That gets his uncle's attention.

"Boyfriend huh," he says looking Lucas up and down. "I used to have one of those. Yep. His name was Jack."


Nathan is shocked. How could no one have mentioned this to me him before.

"Yep. Jack was my best friend."

Maybe that's why.

"No, Uncle Eric. Lucas is my boyfriend."

Eric tilts his head, "What's the difference?"

"We go out on dates."

"Jack and I did that," Eric replies confidently.

Nathan takes a deep breath.

"I'm trying to tell you I like boys Uncle Eric. Do you?"

"Gender is a social construct."

And with that said Eric pats Nathan on the shoulder and goes into the classroom. Leaving behind a confused Nathan and an amused Lucas.

"Did I come out to him or did he come out to me," Nathan asks.

"Both," Lucas answers nudging his boyfriend forward.

It may have just been his imagination, but sometime during the beginning of class Nathan is almost positive that his uncle winked at him.


Riley could not be more grateful to her dad for calling her Uncle Eric for help.

But now she has some questions.

"I get to sit in the bay window," Eric wonders happily.

"I have some questions I'd like to ask."

Eric nods mock seriously, "I have some answers."

"I was wondering if you were being serious when you told Nathan you dated that guy named Jack."

"Heard about that did ya?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping," Riley defends. "You guys were right by the door and consequently my desk. So I just happened to hear what you were saying."

"It's okay," Eric says laughing. "I'm not mad."

"But were you serious?"

"I'm always serious."

"Right. Well, how did you make it work."

Eric pauses a moment tilting his head, "Jack and I always had a close friendship.

"But how did you-"

Eric cuts her off, "We didn't."

"But you said-"

"Kissing the boys is just something you did back in the 90s Riley."

This has got to be one of the most confusing conversations of her life right now.

"But then why did you say tell Nathan you had a boyfriend."

"Because I did," Eric says shrugging.

Riley blinks, "I don't understand anything."

"Listen. Jack and I were friends, best friends. Putting a label on what we had back then is like asking if the egg came before the chicken. It makes people confused and sometimes angry so you don't do it."

Eric stands up and pats Riley on the head, "Don't be afraid to put a label on things. Sometimes it's good to make people angry and confused."

This is short, but i wanted to get it out before pride month was over. I hope you all had a great one whether you're out and proud, closet, or questioning.

Happy Pride.

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