Nathan Meets the Truth pt. 2

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Nathan is sitting in the living room with Auggie in his lap. For some reason Auggie had picked a book about chickens. It was weird, but Nathan was reading it to him quietly anyway.

"I'm looking at this book. It's a cookbook about chickens," Cory says out of no where and Nathan exchanges a look with Auggie.

Topanga closes the book she was reading and looks at her husband, "You want to do this?"

"I do. Kiss kiss?"

"Nope nope. Want to see where this goes."

Nathan scrunches his nose at his parents. There are some things a child never wants to see.

"Me too. So...Topanga, look at all these recipes about chicken with pictures."

Cory then proceeds to name different types of chicken with Topanga making affirming noises. This was not going to end well.

"Your point?"

"Well... Topanga, I think you must admit I have been very careful to span the gamut of many international chicken selections."

"If you stop right now, nothing bad will happen to you."

"Braised chicken..."

"Uh-huh. Right, sure."

"Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chicken pot pie."

"Boys, you've been watching us, right?"

The two brothers nod, "Your thoughts on the subject?"

Nathan stands from the chair with Auggie in his arms. He walks over to their dad and Auggie reaches his arm out to pat him on the shoulder.

"Good luck," he says sternly and Nathan walks out of the living room and into his bedroom.

"Daddy is in big trouble, huh, Nathan?"

"He sure is," Nathan agrees flopping onto his bed.

"How come?" Auggie asks innocently.

"Daddy hurt Mommy's feelings."

"But he told the truth."

Nathan sighs, "It's not so much that he told her the truth. It's the way he said it. There's a way to tell someone to the truth without being as hurtful as Dad was."

"Did you like the chicken?"

"Auggie, Mom didn't even like the chicken.

"Oh. Do you think that Daddy is hungry?"

Nathan shrugs, "It's a possibility. He wouldn't eat the chicken yesterday and Mom didn't make him anything to eat tonight."

"Well then I'm gonna make Daddy some s'ghetti."

"Do you want me to heat it up for you?"

"No thanks. I want to do this by myself."

When Auggie leaves Nathan pulls out his phone to text Farkle. Nathan didn't think the way he was talking had been mean, but that didn't matter. If Farkle was serious enough about his acting to quit his favorite clubs then Nathan would support him.

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