Nathan Meets Maya's Birthday pt.2

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I apologize in advance. Compared to the previous chapter, this one is lacking. And compared to every other chapter in this book this one is just plain bad. I fully acknowledge that this doesn't live up to the usual standard. I burned out all my energy for this episode in the previous chapter

"So this is the place?"

"Yep. Are you just going to stand there, or can we go in. My friends are already here."

The pair walks into the diner and head toward the booth where Farkle and Lucas are seated.

"Hey, guys. Lucas, this is my Uncle Shawn. Uncle Shawn this is Lucas."

When they took the trip Lucas wasn't able to go. His parents didn't want him going on a trip with so many people that they didn't know.

"Nice to meet you, sir."

Shawn looks confused, "Is he talking to me?"

"Well, there's no one else sitting here with us."

"Oh, well, you too kid."

"Awkwardness aside," Farkle says. "Let's order."


"Riley, how could you let him talk to me like that?"

"I'm sorry, Maya" Riley says consoling her best friend. "but I promised him I wouldn't talk about your mom anymore."

"When did you promise him that," Topanga asks.

"The night of the art show. He made me see things from another perspective."

"Yeah," Cory says sighing. "He's good at that."

"He's also right," Topanga sits down next to Maya and wraps her arm around her shoulder. "Maya, you know we love you, but we've done your mom a great disservice. Not just today, but any day where we let you believe that Katy didn't love you. Because she does. Very much."

"I just can't believe it took our son losing his temper at us, Topanga."

"Well he's a very passionate boy. We've always known that."

"Besides," Maya interjects. "that wasn't him losing his temper."

"Yeah," Riley agrees. "When he gets angry his voice gets soft and even."

"It's terrifying," the girls say in unison.

"Well, Maya. What do you say we take this cake to the Nighthawk diner and spend the rest of the evening with your mom?"

"I'd like that."


When the Cory and Topanga walk into the diner they direct Maya and Riley towards the booth where Nathan is sitting with their friends and Shawn.

Riley sits next to Farkle immediately, but Maya stands awkwardly at the end of the table.

"Come here, Hart," Nathan says holding out his arms and while Maya sits and leans in his embrace she doesn't return it.

"I was pretty mean to you earlier wasn't I?"


"I'm not going to apologize for what I said about your parents," Shawn coughs good cover up the laugh that escaped and Nathan narrows his eyes in his direction. Only to get a shrug in response.

"I know," Maya whispers.

"But," Nathan says tightening his grip on her. "I am going to apologize for making you cry. I would never want to do anything to hurt you or Riley and I'm sorry."

"I hate to interrupt this touching moment," Topanga says as she, her husband m, and Katy walk over to the group. "but your Mom has something for you Maya."

"Happy Birthday babygirl," Katy says handing Maya a box. "I had to take an extra shift to finish paying it off, but it looks like you were in good hands."

Maya gasps as she pulls a locket out of the box, "It's beautiful."

"I was thinking we could put a picture of you and me in there."

"Thank you, Mom," Maya says putting on the locket. "Thank you. Nathan will you take the picture?"

"Of course. I don't have my camera on me, but when we go home for cake I'll take it for you."

This chapter is dedicated to my cousin -MammaMia- who told me not to post this because it's too short, but I'm doing it anyway

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