Chapter 102- change is scary

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(Y/N) POV:

Something in wrong. It's wrongness is felt in the way dinner is a slightly subdued affair and the way Dae Hyun had flinched back when Tae had reached out to ruffle his hair.

A full bodily flinch as he'd jerked back before his eyes had filled with apology, lips dragging downwards as he mumbled an apology. And then bolted. Bolted to sit between both Ha-Eun and Hyun Jae, a stiffness in his posture as he'd lowered himself in the seat between them.

Had allowed himself from their enthusiastic chatter to draw him in, slowly loosening as dinner went on, even if that smile would freeze when his eyes would catch sight of any of his dads. Head dropping forward and fingers clenching tightly around his utensils.

Something was wrong.

And that part of me tied with my children, tied with each of them was restless. Knew that something was bothering him. But what that something was he wouldn't say.

So began a game of tiptoeing around the house.

Dae Hyun started to actively avoid meeting eyes, and when he did there was always something so fearful and hesitant in them; as if he needed to look up but it terrified him to do so.

He became more protective over Hyun Jae and Ha-Eun too. At first it was silent and subtle. At first it was just easily slotting himself in beside Hyun Jae or Ha-Eun, allowing his little sister to wriggle close and tease, allowing for Hyun Jae to lean entirely against him, a hand wrapped around either sibling.

And then it became more noticeable when it became apparent he was slotting himself in to become a barrier between us and them.

Lightly tugging back Ha-Eun and curling around her with a fond grin, that seemed strained at the edges, when Hobi oppa made to twirl her around, lips stretched with laughter. Until they weren't. Stilling, slightly confused.

But good-natured as he clutched at his chest.

"First your mum and now your sister. You're stealing my girls Dae-Hyunie"

But that hadn't made Dae-Hyun let go. If anything his hold had tightened around Ha-Eun before he'd forced cheeriness into his voice.

Small dimples appearing as he stretched out his lips into a strained smile.

"Ha-Eunie, oppa will take you to the movies if you want." He'd offered even though there had been something desperate in his eyes as he'd waited for her response.

Relaxing when she'd twisted, giddy and excited and nodded.

Pecking his cheek before ducking away.

"Dada~ can I have money for sweets?" was the loud yell that trailed through the house as she rushed off.

Her voice making him stiffen, head jerking around with alarm as he realised he'd scooped her away from one dad just for her to run to the other.

"Ha-Eun wait!" he'd yelled.

But I'd stepped forward, hand light on his wrist.

Silently pleading that our fifteen-year-old wouldn't tear his grip away.

Wouldn't move away from me.

Not knowing how I'd feel if he did.

But knowing just how much it had hurt Tae, had felt the sorrow and pain seep into the bond when our own son had jerked away from his light touch.

" everything okay?" I ask softly.

Knowing that everything wasn't. Knowing that he needed to open up.

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