Chapter 95- new beginnings

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"Taehyung-ah, can you go see what's taking the others so long? Breakfast is getting cold. I'll check on (Y/N)." I say, setting the final dish done and sighing when I see the empty table, the lack of sound of everyone eating and chatting and getting ready to start the day.

He nods, turning right back around from where he'd just entered mere moments ago, loud deep voice already calling out for them. If they'd been asleep, which I very much hoped they weren't, they were most definitely awake now. Tae's voice triggers the sound of hurried feet and the sound of our soulmates rushing down the stairs, rushing into the kitchen to be seated and I climb the stairs to head to (Y/N)'s room- we didn't sleep alone but we'd never gotten rid of the individual bedrooms either. 

I knock on the door, smiling when I hear a bright 'come in' and open the door- a burst of happy excited emotions coming to swirl around me, enveloping me in its warmth.

I step in, smiling fondly and proudly at Dae Hyeonie who despite all his mum's fussing is trying to get dressed himself and has ended up wearing his underwear back to front. It was seriously adorable in the way he was trying to insist he'd intended to where it that way and (Y/N) who was trying not to smile and gush over his innocent mistake.

"Baby..." I call, smiling when both of them turn to me, expressions near identical as they look at me expectantly.

"Dada! Tell mama I don't need help." He says, looking at me for solidarity, for support.

"Aigoo, my darling let our big boy dress himself." I say, watching as a sweet look of happiness and victory spreads across his features.

"That just means I get to spend more time with you. Come here." I say, walking over and tugging her to stand up, bringing her into my arms- tilting her head up to brush my lips against hers in a morning kiss—sweet, slow, and perfect with the way she so easily melts into it, hands coming to clutch at my arms, parting her lips under mine, granting me access to slide my tongue in.

But before I can even do that, there's a tugging at my leg, and then a tapping motion and I break away to see Dae Hyeonie peering up at me, feigning innocence for all the way his eyes glitter with knowing mischief.

"I need mama to help me." he states, as if he hadn't been protesting the very notion moments ago.

I hide a grin; with time it's become easier to know how to manage Dae Hyeonie without evoking a tantrum or teary response. This seems to work a treat as always.

I step back releasing (Y/N) from my arms and already yearning for her warmth as I shift back, allowing Dae Hyeonie to happily wrap his arms around her legs and hug her protectively to him, shooting her a beaming smile.

"Mama can you help your baby?" he asks sweetly.

Of course he'd allow himself to be babied and coddled by her, we all did as her soulmates, and I wondered whether he'd picked up on that from us and had somehow ended up being the master of getting her to comply, a sweet pucker of lips or grabby arms or wide eyes looking yearningly at her. She was putty in his hands.

"Of course mama will help her beautiful baby." She coos, bending down to kiss him.

She sinks onto the edge of the bed and deftly takes his underwear off, helping him dress properly and praising and cooing over him when he threads his arms through the sleeves or when he hops when she pulls his trousers up. The room swells and thickens with feelings of pride and joy- from the both of us for our baby who's grown up and is heading off to his first day at school.

How time flies.

And when he happily takes her hand and walks down with her, stopping to take each step carefully- looking at us constantly for approval.

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