Chapter 45- the space between us

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The following week passed by in a blur of lessons and lunches grabbed together when we had time to. More often than not I found that (Y/N) was becoming busier and busier- though with what I couldn't guess. None of us knew but I also knew that everyone was becoming increasingly on edge. It felt like the time when (Y/N) was avoiding us before we'd bonded, pushing us away to keep a distance, and there was no way I wanted that to happen again. I don't think anyone of us could survive the heartbreak that would follow.

There was also a noticeable change in (Y/N). And it wasn't pleasing.

She was still affectionate and comforting and the bright presence she always was around the house but it seemed like there was something eating away at her from the inside. Silently and slowly, slithering in during the dead of night and causing her to wake up thrashing, sweating and panicked. The first time it had happened, she had screamed. A noise that tore through her throat and was so pained, so hurt that it had sent Jin hyung, Joon-ah and me tumbling out of bed with the firm belief that she was hurt. Yoongi hyung had dashed in, seconds later, pale and trembling, eyes haunted by the sound that no doubt echoed in his ears still.

The second time it had happened, she was sleeping with the maknaes and had woken up Jiminie because of her tossing and turning, trapped within the snares of whatever was playing out behind her closed eyes. It had taken a violent lurch and her recoiling against Tae's slumbering figure that pressed so close to her and she'd woken up, eyes dilated with fear. Jiminie had come to me in tears that same night and I had to push out an influx of calming energy waves to send them all back to sleep.

The third time, she was sleeping next to me. She had drifted off to sleep easily, eyes blearily sliding shut and lips shooting me a soft smile as she nestled closer to me. It had been easy for me to fall asleep too. But my mind was suddenly being plagued with a sickening, nauseating feeling and when I'd bolted upright in bed, very early morning, she had still been asleep but her lips had been moving in a whispered plea, the word 'please' tumbling off her lips over and over again.

It was becoming concerning; the dark circles were becoming prominent and her mouth twisted downwards whenever she thought no-one was looking. She was dealing, no experiencing something that was obviously hurting her, plaguing her mind and I felt so hopeless, so powerless as we all stood there being able to do nothing but watch her.

But enough was enough. This week had allowed all of us, save for her, talk it out about how we were going to help her. How we needed to help her. She'd missed out on the usual moments of laughter, the mealtimes where we all talked about everything and nothing.

Kookie had been so happy to come home yesterday, bouncing on the balls of his feet and eyes crinkling with happiness.

"Hyungs I got in! I got the internship!" he'd eagerly chirped, teeth poking out between his lips. It had touched my heart to see our baby boy so happy, so excited for something he had worked so hard for. Kookie had eagerly accepted all the kisses and cuddles we lay onto him but I hadn't missed the way his eyes had dimmed slightly, after searching the room for his final soulmate who wasn't there.

And it had been enough. We had all been suffering. And there wasn't a way I was going to allow (Y/N) to continue distancing herself; it wasn't healthy. I knew it was hard, but that didn't mean she needed to be in pain alone. Soulmates meant we were there for her. Not only celebrating her happiness but sharing in her sorrows. Shedding tears with her whilst being the shoulders she needed to lean on.

So when she came home tonight, it was going to be the final time she evaded us.

And maybe then, my heart would stop feeling like it was going to drown on the melancholic feeling which heavily saturated the air.

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