Chapter 25- uncovering secrets

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(Y/N) POV:

When Hobi stepped closer I prayed and prayed that the makeup I had applied to cover my bruise wasn't noticeable, the last thing I needed was for them to find out. It was my problem, so I would deal with it.

There wasn't much distance left between us when he stepped closer, I could feel the heat radiating off his body and make out the finest details of his face. The closeness made me feel flustered though, there was something about the way I could smell hints of his shower gel and something that was pure Hoseok that was enticing, it smelt uniquely like him.

"Kit?" his tongue rolling off the word so easily in his low tone.

I gulped.

"Yes...?" I answered but then the door was swung open and the back of my body was suddenly being backed into a taller, soft frame. Soo Jin.

"We're going to head off now (Y/N)-ah, unnie wants to say goodbye." She said whilst hugging me.

I turned to escape from the room, dashing down the stairs before I all but flung myself into Seo-Yeon unnie's awaiting arms.

She hugged me tightly and just as she was leaving shot me a look silently conveying that she was there for me.

I nodded back at her, watching her leave but I was more apprehensive of what on earth they had been discussing and that too for so long.

The moment the door closed I turned to face my soulmates, a question on my lips.

"No, we're not going to tell you, but I will tell you this, you have nothing to worry about." Yoongi said before I even got to ask.

I looked at him puzzled, was his ability mind-reading or was he just extremely perceptive?

He just gave me a small smile, one that suggested he knew way more than he was letting on, but it was also soft.

Resigning myself to finding out later I followed them all into the kitchen, grabbing an apron to help Yoongi and Jungkook in cooking dinner.

Somehow working with them didn't feel new or uncomfortable but rather it was fluid and in sync as if somehow, I had become attuned to their movements and acts. We weaved in and out of each other as we got out the pans to cook.

I saw Jungkook dither trying to remember where the big pot was and recalled having seen it when I had been cooking the last time I'd been here.

"Bottom left cupboard." I called whilst chopping the vegetables.

Jungkook returned bearing said pot and placed it onto the stove adding the pile I'd already cut into it, Yoongi adding the sauce he'd just finished making.

Between the three of us, cooking didn't take long at all and neither did it feel like it, it became a memory I stored away to cherish, remembering how Yoongi had brought the spoon to both Jungkook's and my mouth to taste, blowing on it gently before offering it.

Everyone else was already seated at the table, whilst eating I watched as each of them tended to each other's needs before their own, it was sweet. I had plated Namjoon's and Jimin's food before my own and just as Namjoon reached over to get some meat I saw his elbow collide with the edge of his full glass and it beginning to tilt before falling. Somehow, I managed to stop it before it made a huge spill over the table even though the rapid descent had seemed impossible to stop. I sighed with relief when Namjoon sat back down and I made sure to check that there wasn't anything he could accidentally knock over.

Everyone sat in the living room after dinner, each nursing a drink but before I'd even gotten to say that I didn't like the taste or reject, Seokjin had silently pressed a mug of hot chocolate into my hands instead. Huh? How did that happen? I was sure we'd never gotten to talk about our tastes before. Shrugging it off I headed to a corner seat like I habitually did, but it was occupied, deciding to make an effort I plopped myself down between Jimin and Namjoon, nestling back into the cushions.

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