Chapter 89- what goes around comes around

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(Y/N) POV:

What goes around comes around. The others and I had thought that when Dae-Hyeonie's sniffling stopped a day or two later- that we had all escaped somehow. But we hadn't. specifically, I hadn't.  Or it was just my turn now.

And I was rueing myself for it. Cursing myself for not having stepped out to have gotten one of the others or having cuddled him so closely as he sniffled- but I hadn't been able to help it, the need to comfort by far outweighed the thought that I could get ill. And if I had to go through it again, I would've stuck to my original decision. And babied him and coddled him- he's my baby boy, of course I would shower him with love.

But waking up with a stuffy head that begins to throb as I move, the slight achiness in my eyes and the way the room threatens to spin and send me reeling as I sit upright are all indicators, signs that I haven't managed to escape even though I thought I could.

And for a moment- whilst my head is getting cleared of the foggy haze that comes with sleep- a bolt of fear and panic spears through it and my head whips to the side to see if Dae-Hyeonie was sleeping with me- I couldn't bear having him get ill again, it was painful enough the first time; it ached seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything, I had never felt more hopeless and useless.

I wince when the action makes my head viciously throb but am  relieved when my eyes don't land on a small sleeping figure who would've been curled up next to me.

And then I remember how last night I'd waved off their invitations to sleep with them, guiltily rejecting grabby hands, wheedling eyes and sad pouts to seek refuge in my room- wanting to be in complete silence as I rested, body feeling too heavy to do anything except sink gratefully into the mattress and fall asleep.

There's a knock at the door, which interrupts my silent self-pitying, drawing me out of thought.

"Sweetheart you okay?" Yoongi oppa says, head poking through the door when he cracks it open a fraction so he can peek in, concerned eyes landing on me.

I don't know what he sees on my face, what it is that doesn't reassure him from where he stands but then he's pushing the door open to enter, striding forward quickly to gently hold me as he ushers me to sit on the edge of the bed.

And then he frowns sadly at me, clucking me gently under the chin.

"You're sick my love." He says and I can't even protest, words dying on my lips before they can be verbalised both by the warning look Yoongi oppa shoots me- as if daring me to contradict and also by the extent of how awful I feel.

"This is why you don't suffer alone. But what's done is done." He says. 

And then my eyes turn to the door and are greeted with a sight that any other day I would've welcomed eagerly, excitedly but today sends dread through me. Dae Hyeonie is crawling, hurrying as the way he's being chased by one of his dads- giggling excitedly, head turning to peer at how far they are before crawling again with renewed vigour- high excited squeals filling the air. But he's approaching my open doorway, and his eyes alight on the two of us, mouth parting in a smile that makes his dimples pop out, gurgling happily as he changes track and starts to enter.

Behind him an excited Kookie follows, intentionally slow as he gives chase and indulges our son- a mixture of animal sounds and happy 'I'm going to get you' bubbling from his lips as he sets chase. His eyes rise to meet ours and he beams- face scrunched with happiness.

"Koo..." and then a cough stops me, tearing itself out of my throat and making me hunch over, turned away from them as it racks my lungs.

I turn back with watering eyes and a rasping breath that shudders out- and it seems like everyone is frozen. From Yoongi oppa who had his arms reached out for me, to Kookie who's smile had fallen and he was staring with concern and even to Dae Hyeonie who'd paused in his frantic crawling to stare at me confused. And then Yoongi oppa is scooping me close, murmuring comfort whilst rubbing a reassuring back up and down my back, Kookie is leaning over to scoop Dae-Hyeonie up who had begun to crawl towards me in earnest, flailed slightly in Kookie's arms before realising he was coming closer to me.

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